Hiking the Fanu Mountains: An Adventure in Tajikistan with Kristīne Garklāva and Celebrities

In June of this year, when St. John’s Day was celebrated throughout Latvia, seven well-known personalities together with TV3 personality Kristini Garklava went to Tajikistan to go on a nearly 90-kilometer long, challenging hike through the legendary Fanu mountains. On Tuesday evenings at 21.45, TV3 viewers have the opportunity to follow the hikers in this extraordinary adventure.

This time, Kristīne Garklāva has invited TV personality Walters Krauzi, actress Zani Vadčina, musician Finkis, artist Kristians Brekts, model and TV personality Māras Slay, actor Kārli Arnolds Avota, as well as professional “inline” skater Nilas Jansons to go with her. Until now, none of the participants has done a similar hike, and even though the distance may seem easy, because the number of kilometers to be walked per day is not so great, the height to be overcome or climbing the mountains creates a real load and challenges.

The trek will last six days and five nights, of which the participants will spend one night in the homes of local mountain people, which are, of course, very far from our usual civilization. The locals live there without communications and the Internet, but for the participants it will be another challenge – to be away from social networks, endless correspondence and calls for almost a week.

“Well, some time has passed since our return from Tajikistan. We are back to our usual life, but what we experienced there will always live on in us. Majestic, lonely mountain giants that at times tested and challenged us all. The surrounding authenticity, untouched nature, the calls of shepherds heard in the mountains – these were all lessons. And as our Tajik friend Abdul said – we have come here to wash our eyes with beauty,” Kristīne Garklava shares her thoughts on the experience.

Challenges await all participants during the hike – both physical and moral. Participants have the option to withdraw from the hike, but this would mean retracing the same route on foot as the rescue helicopter will not meet them here. Therefore, before going on the expedition, they passed health checks and also went to training in the gym.

When choosing the destination of the hike, it was carefully researched and the creators of the program consulted with the consular service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, paying special attention to both security and the geopolitical situation.


What to do with brown bears in Latvia?

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Ah, gather ‘round everyone! Let’s dig into this adventure of epic proportions, shall we? Imagine a group of famous faces—think of them as the “Avengers” of reality TV—setting out on a trek through the Fanu mountains in Tajikistan. As if navigating the world of celebrity wasn’t treacherous enough!

Picture the scene: it’s St. John’s Day in Latvia—when everyone’s celebrating except for this brave bunch, who’ve traded in their sandwiches and beer for a rugged 90-kilometer hike. Now, let’s not underestimate the difficulty here. They may be fancier than a five-star hotel, but they’re about to discover that a good leg day has nothing on the reality of altitude sickness!

Led by Kristīne Garklāva—who’s basically the captain of this ship of delusional merrymakers—this motley crew includes actor Kārli Arnolds Avota and inline skater Nilas Jansons. And you know what that means… they’ve certainly never had to cope with a blizzard—unless you count a bad review!

Now, I love how the twist in the plot is that they’ll be spending a night with the locals in homes that, dare I say, would put a tent at Glastonbury to shame! No Wi-Fi, no Instagram, just nature, breathtaking views, and the philosophical musings of shepherds. Because nothing says “deep thought” like staring into the abyss of an endless timber line. All that mind-clearing couldn’t be more timely—especially after a week of scrolling through which influencer has the best oats recipe!

Kristīne describes the “majestic, lonely mountain giants.” Who knew they had such a talent for metaphors? I suppose that’s what happens when you take someone who’s used to bright studio lights and throw them out into the wild. And just when you think they’re at risk of posting too many selfies with a mountain goat, they lay down the ultimate caution: their escapes are not 100% guaranteed. If they want out of this hiking nightmare, they’ll have to hoof it back down the same way they came. Forget a helicopter! You’ll be lucky if you get a disgruntled taxi driver at this altitude!

But let’s talk about the health checks before this grand adventure. You don’t just waltz into the Tajik mountains looking like you’ve crawled out from under your mum’s bed! I mean, cardio is nice, but do they have the leg strength to tackle those glorious slopes while staving off existential crises and the desire to roll back down, crying?

In a world where you can’t even pick a restaurant without consulting Google, a week without connections sounds like a social experiment to see how crazy one can get while talking to a goat about life choices. I mean, what can you say? “So, Mr. Goat, how do you feel about the rising prices of avocados?”

And what a clever marketing treat this show promises to be. It’s not just about clambering over rocks and moaning about sore feet; it’s about the adventure two inches above sea level and the struggle to stay relevant when there’s no one to like your selfies!

As for the survey on brown bears in Latvia? At this point, I’d advise them on bear safety protocols. “Just remember, friends, if you run into a bear, don’t run. Just walk away casually, like you’re avoiding a chat with that one friend who always asks for your Netflix password!”

In conclusion, while I can only assume the show will feature all the physically grueling clichés we love to mock—like slipping hilariously down rock faces while gasping for air—it seems clear this trek is more than just a hike; it’s a timeout from modern life. A chance to admire nature… and perhaps re-evaluate their career choices as they sip on what I can only hope is some locally sourced mountain goat’s milk.

And that, my friends, that is how you turn a trip to the mountains into a golden ticket of entertainment!

In June 2023, as Latvia celebrated the vibrant festival of St. John’s Day, seven prominent figures, led by the charismatic TV3 host Kristīne Garklāva, embarked on a remarkable journey to Tajikistan. Their adventure included a grueling 90-kilometer hike through the breathtaking Fanu mountains, a region known for its stunning landscapes and rugged terrain. Viewers can join the explorers on this extraordinary expedition every Tuesday evening at 21.45 on TV3.

This intrepid group features a dynamic lineup of personalities, including TV sensation Walters Krauzi, beloved actress Zani Vadčina, talented musician Finkis, renowned artist Kristians Brekts, chic model and TV figure Māras Slay, actor Kārli Arnolds Avota, and professional inline skater Nilas Jansons. Remarkably, none of them have previously undertaken such a challenging trek. While the daily distance may not seem overwhelming, the significant elevation and steep climbs present a genuine test of endurance and resilience.

The expedition is set to span six days and five nights, during which the adventurers will experience the local lifestyle by spending a night in the homes of traditional mountain inhabitants, far removed from modern conveniences. Dwellers in these remote areas live without the luxuries of communication and the Internet, offering the hikers a rare opportunity to disconnect from social media and the barrage of digital life for almost an entire week.

Reflecting on their recent return from Tajikistan, Kristīne Garklāva recounts, “Although we have resumed our everyday routines, the memories of our time there will forever remain with us. The majestic, solitary peaks tested us in ways we never anticipated. The authentic culture and untouched wilderness, along with the distant calls of shepherds echoing through the mountains, imparted invaluable lessons. As our Tajik friend Abdul remarked, we ventured here to ‘wash our eyes with beauty’.”

Throughout the hike, participants face a range of physical and mental challenges that will put their limits to the test. While there is an option for hikers to withdraw from the expedition, this decision would involve retracing their steps on foot, as a rescue helicopter is not an option in these remote terrains. To prepare for this demanding journey, each member underwent thorough health evaluations and participated in rigorous gym training before departure.

The selection of the hiking route was meticulously planned, with comprehensive research conducted by the program creators. They consulted with the consular service from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ensuring that both safety considerations and the geopolitical landscape were prioritized in the planning stages.


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