Highway groups get better the passability of native roads in San Pedro

Asunción, IP Company.- Groups from the Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC) recovered the passability of eight native roads belonging to the unpaved highway community within the division of San Pedro.

For instance, on 8 de December Avenue, the crews carried out the restoration of the platform and patching, managing to get better a 7.5 km stretch of the highway that’s primarily used for the transportation of merchandise reminiscent of coal, cassava, corn and sesame, the place About 300 individuals stay there.

Some of these interventions had been additionally carried out on 26 de December Avenue, 9 de Junio ​​Avenue and on the route that connects Guajayvi with the Primavera Actual settlement, whose inhabitants are additionally devoted to agriculture.

Equally, 5 km of the highway connecting the neighborhood of Liberación with the calle 1° de marzo was recovered; one other 5 km on the highway that connects Choré with Santo Domingo Avenue and eight extra km from San Juan Yataity Avenue within the North.

Then again, the groups recovered 2 km of 12,000 Defensores Avenue and in the identical part the development of gutters was carried out, attaining a manufacturing of 1.5 km.

The restoration of this highway is of utmost significance as a result of it advantages greater than 1,500 residents who stay in its environment, highlights the Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC).

#Highway #groups #get better #passability #native #roads #San #Pedro
2024-06-06 22:37:36

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