“Highs of 38 degrees”. Where the “heat storms” – The Weather

No clear change of pace. We are still in for a fully summery weekend, with 35 degrees Celsius from North to South and peaks of 38 degrees Celsius. Antonio Sano, founder of iLMeteo.it, confirms the rise of the African anticyclone across the country. The weather will be sunny and hot everywhere, except for a few small pitfalls. A difficulty will be hidden in the African heat itself, which is generally widespread: the heat accumulated during the central hours of the day will favor the outbreak of some thunderstorms, especially in the mountains.

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Sunday, August 25, an Atlantic front will cross the heart of the continent, in Germany, bringing widespread rain and even strong phenomena: the disturbance will graze our Alps favoring an increase in instability in Northern Italy. In detail, a clear Friday is confirmed, except for some heat storms on the Alps and Apennines and also in Sicily. Saturday, August 24 will then be the most stable day, even if there will still be some heat showers in the mountains, in Sicily and partially crossing over towards the Adriatic foothills of the Center. These will be a few showers in the midst of so much sun and mugginess. Sunday will see the ‘grazing’ of the Alps by the English Atlantic front: strong storms are not excluded on our border peaks, in particular on the Dolomites in the afternoon, caution.

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As for the maximum temperatures of the weekend, Siracusa with 37degC will be at the top of the list, followed by Agrigento, Benevento, Carbonia, Catania, Oristano, Taranto and Terni with 36degC. In other smaller locations, the thermometer will also rise to 38degC in Sardinia and Sicily with very high peaks not excluded also in some areas of Campania and Abruzzo. The real break of Summer is far away, no important changes are expected until September.

#Highs #degrees #heat #storms #Weather
2024-08-23 20:32:06



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