Highly complex brain surgery performed successfully at Lambaré General Hospital

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The highly complex surgical procedure benefited an 82-year-old patient and was carried out by neurosurgeons from the General Hospital of Lambaré and external specialists, the Ministry of Public Health said.

The diagnosis was a cerebral aneurysm of the middle cerebral artery, which required a complex procedure called clipping, which will improve the quality of life of the patient who is stable in intensive care, with a favorable evolution.

Neurosurgeon Dr. Oscar Servín, who led the surgery, explained that a brain aneurysm is a weakened bulge in the wall of an artery in the brain, which if it ruptures can cause severe brain hemorrhage.

Regarding the procedure, the specialist reported that clipping consists of placing a small clip at the base of the aneurysm to block blood flow and prevent it from rupturing.

The team that performed the surgery at the Lambaré hospital was made up of external surgeons Juan José Jara and Giselle Weinert, in addition to the expertise of the institution’s anesthesia and nursing staff, which was essential to the success of the procedure.

#Highly #complex #brain #surgery #performed #successfully #Lambaré #General #Hospital
2024-07-24 12:18:16



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