Highlights of the 2023 World Internet Conference: Zhejiang Daily Wuzhen Summit Recap – Achievements, Initiatives, and Future of the Internet

2023-11-11 02:52:32

Zhejiang Daily Wuzhen, November 10th. On November 10th, the Wuzhen Summit of the 2023 World Internet Conference concluded. In the morning, the closing press conference released the results of the conference.

This year marks the 10th year of the Wuzhen Summit. Focusing on the theme of “Building an inclusive, inclusive, and resilient digital world—jointly building a community with a shared future in cyberspace,” the conference was held online and offline, attracting 126 countries around the world. More than 1,800 guests from and around the world attended the conference, with the number of countries reaching a record high. The guests at the meeting focused on global development initiatives, digital green collaborative transformation, artificial intelligence and other topics for in-depth exchanges and reached broad consensus.

  All “hard core” results were unveiled

As in previous years, the presentation of various achievements during the Wuzhen Summit is highly anticipated.

This year is the tenth year of the “Light of the Internet” Expo. More than 580 companies from 48 countries and regions participated in the exhibition in an online + offline manner, and the number of overseas exhibitors reached a record high. For the first time, this expo has set up digital human commentators in the development concept area, and launched special activities such as the Future Life Digital Experience Hall and the “Light Picking” commemoration, attracting many visitors to immerse themselves in the experience.

The “Straight to Wuzhen” global Internet competition has expanded to include artificial intelligence, connected cars, digital ocean, space and other tracks. A total of 1,005 projects from 23 countries at home and abroad participated, of which 81 projects competed fiercely in the finals.

In addition, 13 “Excellent Cases of Working Together to Build a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace” were released and displayed. From e-commerce helping Ethiopian farmers sell coffee around the world, to online classes helping young men in rural China start a new life for their families, 13 high-quality cases demonstrate the various parties’ opinions on the concept of building a community with a shared future in cyberspace from multiple perspectives. Active response and profound practice.

During the Wuzhen Summit, important documents such as “Network Sovereignty: Theory and Practice” (version 4.0), “China Internet Development Report 2023”, and “World Internet Development Report 2023” were also released, showing the progress of global and Chinese Internet development in the past year. Important results.

It is worth mentioning that this year’s Wuzhen Summit achieved four “firsts”——

The “Ten Year Commemorative Honor” was awarded for the first time. On the tenth anniversary of the Wuzhen Summit, three honors, including “Sincere Collaborator”, “Excellent Organizer” and “Special Contributor”, were awarded to relevant international and domestic organizations and leading figures to thank them for their contribution to the construction of the international organization of the Wuzhen Summit and the Conference. effort;

The first World Internet Science and Technology Museum was opened. The Wuzhen World Internet Science and Technology Museum has an exhibition area of ​​approximately 7,000 square meters and has six themed exhibition areas, outlining the development process of the Internet and the context of civilization, presenting the latest technological achievements, and creating a “Wuzhen Summit that never ends for 365 days”;

The “Global Young Leaders Program” was established for the first time. As a regular brand activity established by an international organization, 18 outstanding young people in the global Internet field were selected for the first time, covering 14 countries and regions, covering 5 continents including Asia, Europe, Africa, North America and South America;

The “World Internet Conference Leading Technology Award” was awarded for the first time. In order to create an innovation display platform for the world’s leading Internet scientific and technological achievements to a higher standard, the conference will hold the world’s leading Internet scientific and technological achievements release event for seven consecutive years this year, comprehensively upgrade it to the World Internet Conference Leading Technology Awards, and hold an award ceremony for 15 award-winning projects.

  The organic integration of digital and culture

For Zhejiang, this year is of great significance.

In September, during an inspection in Zhejiang, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized the need to “use windows such as the Hangzhou Asian Games and the World Internet Conference to strengthen cultural exchanges and dissemination, and continuously enhance the appeal of Chinese culture and the influence of Chinese civilization.” At the Hangzhou Asian Games After the Asian Para Games was successfully held, the Wuzhen Summit arrived as scheduled.

More than 90 countries and regions participated in the Wuzhen Summit offline. Friends from all over the world gathered in Wuzhen to discuss the digital world after the epidemic. In order to fully demonstrate the cultural charm, this conference was carefully designed in terms of event settings, atmosphere creation, volunteer clothing, etc., and organically integrated into the provincial brand elements of “Poetry and Painting Jiangnan, Vibrant Zhejiang” to share Zhejiang’s historical and cultural heritage and social development momentum with guests. .

At the same time, the Wuzhen Summit combines the real scenes of Jiangnan Water Town with digital technology to hold the “Wuzhen on the Cloud·Internet Rebirth” XR experience show, and uses the rich historical and cultural resources in Wuzhen and surrounding areas to create “Dream Water Town” and “Ancient Town Travel” 9 An interview line was launched, and special dishes of “Hundred Counties and Thousand Bowls” were launched, allowing guests to experience the unique space of digital-empowered light and shadow art, appreciate the unique charm of the Jiangnan water town, and imagine the bright future of digital civilization.

The smart experience is comprehensively improved. Over the past ten years, from a “small boat” to a “huge ship”, the Wuzhen Summit has become an experience window for cutting-edge technologies and a showcase for trendy products.

For example, we optimized the “Wuzhen Summit One-Stop” WeChat applet around smart hosting and digital experience; built and launched the Wuzhen Atmosphere Monitoring Super Station; enriched smart experience scenarios such as Metaverse 3D printing and AI traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment; and newly established the “Future” “Jing” Future Life Digital Experience Center, where viewers can create their own “digital avatars” and “travel” from the Asian Games to Wuzhen to experience future communities, future travel, future learning and other technological achievements.

  Spillover effects continue to amplify

In the past ten years, driven by the Wuzhen Summit, pilot tasks such as the Digital Economy Innovation and Development Experimental Zone, the Industrial Internet National Demonstration Zone, and the Digital Rural Construction Leading Zone have been launched, as well as major projects such as the “Light of Wuzhen” supercomputing center and the national Internet backbone direct connection point. It has successively settled in Zhejiang, and digitalization has become an important aspect of high-quality development and modern governance in Zhejiang.

For Tongxiang, where the Wuzhen Summit is permanently held, the number of digital economy enterprises in Tongxiang has increased tenfold in the past ten years; the number of national high-tech enterprises has increased from more than 40 to nearly 700, and the proportion of high-tech industries in the regulated industry has increased from 30.9% to 67.8%. ; The added value of the core manufacturing industry of the city’s digital economy has grown by more than 25% annually on average, and the leading industries have transformed from the past “three silks and one spinning” of mulberry silk, chemical fiber silk, glass fiber silk, and textile clothing to the current smart cars, smart computing, Intelligent sensing and industrial Internet “three intelligences and one network”.

As the largest and highest-level sub-forum of this Wuzhen Summit, the Zhejiang sub-forum, with the theme of “Digital Economy Leads the Construction of a Modern Industrial System”, invited 15 domestic and foreign academicians, experts and entrepreneur representatives in the field of digital economy to discuss digital reality. We will pursue new paths of integration and industrial collaboration, and jointly seek new measures to lead the implementation of high-quality development in the digital economy.

In addition, the three “permanent venue” special events were also exciting and fruitful: at the Digital Economy Industry Cooperation Conference, more than 70 signed projects were signed with an amount exceeding 100 billion yuan; in the Yangtze River Delta integrated digital civilization co-construction and sharing – —At the Digital Yangtze River Delta Development Conference, cities in the Yangtze River Delta initiated the establishment of the “Yangtze River Delta Intelligent Industry Hundreds” and “Wuzhen Dialogue” cooperation mechanisms; at the digital empowerment common prosperity demonstration zone construction exhibition event, Zhejiang accelerated the promotion of the national digital rural leading zone The vivid picture of construction and digital empowerment for comprehensive rural development has won high recognition and widespread attention.

It is reported that 5 projects attracted by this summit have landed in Tongxiang, and the talent matchmaking meeting was held offline and online for the first time. More than 1,200 units such as IBM and Baidu have released more than 10,000 jobs, creating a direct link between people with lofty ideals and employers. A platform for dialogue and negotiation.

We know each other no matter how far we are, but we are still neighbors thousands of miles away. Wuzhen, looking forward to the next decade!

Source: Zhejiang Daily Author: Reporter Wang Yuhong Editor: Chen Zhouying

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