Highlights from the September 11, 2024 Government Assembly

These data are of an informative nature only and only the officially published resolutions, which can be found in the section, are binding government action.

B. To deal with the debate:

1. Draft law amending Act No. 273/2008 Coll., on the Police of the Czech Republic, as amended, and some other laws
no. 518/24
Submitted by: 1. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior
The result of the government’s actions: the discussion was suspended.

2. Draft law amending Act No. 372/2011 Coll., on health services and conditions of their provision (Law on Health Services), as amended, and some related laws
no. 528/24
Submitted by: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Health
The result of the government’s actions: approved.

3. Draft Government Regulation amending Government Regulation No. 82/2023 Coll., on establishing the conditions for the implementation of joint organization of markets by producer organizations, and some other related government regulations
no. 658/24
Submitted by: Minister of Agriculture
The result of the government’s actions: approved.

13. Draft law amending Act No. 108/2006 Coll., on social services, as amended, Act No. 329/2011 Coll., on providing benefits to persons with disabilities and amending related laws, as amended regulations, and other related laws
no. 514/24
Submitted by: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Labor and Social Affairs
The result of the government’s actions: approved.

C. To discuss without debate:

4. Memorandum of understanding on the project Heat removal from the Dukovany Power Plant for the city of Brno
no. 693/24
Submitted by: Prime Minister
The result of the government’s actions: approved.

5. Proposal of a government resolution to increase funds for the service income of members of the Police of the Czech Republic and to change the systemization of the Police of the Czech Republic in connection with ensuring security during the elections to the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic and regional councils on 20-21 September 2024
no. 685/24
Submitted by: 1. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior
The result of the government’s actions: approved.

6. Documentation of program 114 30 “Procurement and renewal of CAS and VT for HZS CR”
no. 691/24
Submitted by: 1. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior
The result of the government’s actions: approved.

7. Strategy to implement the program of the World Health Organization and UNICEF Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative 2018 in the Czech Republic
no. 682/24
Submitted by: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Health and Government Commissioner for Human Rights
The result of the government’s actions: approved.

8. Proposal to send the Diplomatic Conference of WIPO for the conclusion and adoption of the Treaty on the Law of Industrial Designs
no. 678/24
Submitted by: Minister of Industry and Trade
The result of the government’s actions: approved.

9. Proposal to send to the 16th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, the 11th Meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety and the 5th Meeting of the Parties to the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from Their Use ( Cali, Colombia, October 21 – November 1, 2024)
no. 688/24
Submitted by: Minister of the Environment
The result of the government’s actions: approved.

10. Report on the participation of the President of the Republic Petr Pavel at the Summit on Peace in Ukraine in Switzerland on June 15 and 16, 2024
no. 689/24
Submitted by: Minister of Foreign Affairs
The result of the government’s actions: approved.

11. Report on the Prime Minister’s working visit to the French Republic on July 26 and 27, 2024
no. 684/24
Submitted by: Minister of Foreign Affairs
The result of the government’s actions: approved.

12. Report on the fulfillment of tasks imposed by the government of the Czech Republic for the months of July and August 2024
no. 692/24
Submitted by: head of the Government Office
The result of the government’s actions: approved.

14. Delivery of the 79th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations and the working visit of the President of the Republic Peter Paul to the United States of America
no. 694/24
Submitted by: Minister of Foreign Affairs
The result of the government’s actions: approved.

D. Misc

* * *

For reference:

1. Macroeconomic forecast of the Czech Republic (August 2024)
no. 687/24
Submitted by: Minister of Finance

2. Report on the activities of the Quality Council of the Czech Republic and Information on the implementation of the National Quality Policy of the Czech Republic for 2023
no. 676/24
Submitted by: Minister of Industry and Trade

10 rules of Government

Understanding Government Resolutions⁢ in the⁢ Czech Republic

In the Czech Republic, government resolutions play a crucial role in shaping the country’s⁢ policies and laws. These resolutions ​are official documents issued by the government, outlining decisions or ⁤actions taken ‍on ‌various‍ matters. However, not all resolutions are ⁣created equal, and it’s essential to understand‌ the different types of resolutions and their implications.

What are government resolutions?

Government⁣ resolutions are official documents issued ⁤by the Czech government, outlining decisions ⁣or actions taken on various matters. These resolutions can be related to laws, policies, international agreements, or other important issues. ⁤According to the Rules of Procedure of the Government [[3]], government resolutions are issued to implement ​laws, decrees, or other legal acts. They can also‍ be used to assign⁢ tasks to ⁣government ministers or other officials.

Types of government resolutions

There are several types of government‍ resolutions⁤ in the Czech Republic, including:

  1. Resolutions with debate: These resolutions are discussed and debated by the government before a decision is made. Examples of resolutions with debate include draft‌ laws, such as the draft law amending Act ⁢No. 273/2008 Coll., on the Police of the Czech Republic [[B.1]], or draft government regulations, like the draft government regulation amending ⁢Government Regulation No. 82/2023 Coll. [[B.3]].
  2. Resolutions without debate: These resolutions are approved by the⁢ government without discussion or debate. Examples of resolutions without debate include⁤ memoranda of understanding, such ⁣as the memorandum of understanding on the project Heat removal from the⁢ Dukovany Power Plant for the city‍ of Brno [[C.4]], or ‌proposals to send representatives to international conferences, ‌like the proposal to send to⁢ the 16th ⁢meeting​ of ⁣the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity [[C.9]].

How are ⁤government resolutions created?

Government ⁢resolutions are created through a formal process involving government ministers, officials, and experts. The⁢ process typically starts⁢ with a proposal or draft resolution, which is then discussed and debated by the government. Once ​a ‌decision is made, the resolution ⁤is issued ‌and published.

What is the importance of government resolutions?

Government resolutions‍ play a vital role in shaping the​ Czech Republic’s laws, policies, and international relations. They provide a framework for implementing⁣ laws and decrees, and they outline the government’s position on‍ various issues. Government ‍resolutions ‌are also important for ensuring ⁣transparency and ⁢accountability in government decision-making.

International implications of government resolutions

Government ​resolutions⁣ can have significant international implications. For example, the Czech Republic has presented a ⁤resolution at the UN on the application of human rights in the context of digital ​technologies [[1]]. This resolution aims to build a​ fundamental consensus ⁤on human rights in the digital ​era. Similarly, the country⁣ has proposed ⁤to send representatives to international conferences, such as the Diplomatic Conference⁢ of ‌WIPO ​for the conclusion and adoption of the Treaty ‌on the Law of Industrial Designs [[C.8]].


government resolutions are an‌ essential part of‍ the Czech Republic’s⁢ governance system.‌ They provide a framework for implementing laws, policies, ​and international agreements, and they ensure transparency and accountability​ in government decision-making. ⁤Understanding the different types of⁢ government resolutions and their implications is crucial for navigating the complexities of‍ the Czech Republic’s governance​ system.



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Government Resolutions and Actions: A Comprehensive Overview

In the world of government affairs, resolutions and actions are the lifeblood of decision-making and policy implementation. In this article, we will delve into the concept of government resolutions, their binding nature, and provide an overview of recent government actions in the Czech Republic.

What are Government Resolutions?

A government resolution is a formal decision made by a government or its representative body to take a specific course of action or to adopt a particular policy. Resolutions can be binding or non-binding, depending on the context and jurisdiction. In the Czech Republic, government resolutions are guided by the Rules of Procedure of the Government [[1]], which outline the procedures for decision-making and policy implementation.

Binding Nature of Government Resolutions

It is essential to note that only officially published resolutions are binding, as stated on the official government website [[2]]. This means that any informative data or resolutions not formally published are not considered binding. This clarification is crucial in understanding the legal force of government resolutions.

Recent Government Actions in the Czech Republic

In recent government meetings, several draft laws, proposals, and reports were discussed and approved. These actions demonstrate the government’s commitment to addressing various issues, including health services, social services, and environmental concerns.

Debated Resolutions

The government debated and suspended the discussion on the draft law amending Act No. 273/2008 Coll., on the Police of the Czech Republic. In contrast, the draft law amending Act No. 372/2011 Coll., on health services, and the draft Government Regulation amending Government Regulation No. 82/2023 Coll., on joint organization of markets, were approved.

Approved Resolutions without Debate

Several proposals and reports were approved without debate, including the Memorandum of understanding on the project Heat removal from the Dukovany Power Plant, the proposal of a government resolution to increase funds for the service income of members of the Police, and the Strategy to implement the program of the World Health Organization and UNICEF Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative.

International Engagement

The government also approved proposals to send delegations to international conferences, including the Diplomatic Conference of WIPO for the conclusion and adoption of the Treaty on the Law of Industrial Designs, and the 16th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity.

Reports and Fulfillment of Tasks

The government received reports on various topics, such as the participation of the President of the Republic Petr Pavel at the Summit on Peace in Ukraine, the Prime Minister’s working visit to the French Republic, and the fulfillment of tasks imposed by the government for the months of July and August 2024.


Government resolutions and actions play a vital role in shaping the policies and decisions of governments around the world. In the Czech Republic, the government has demonstrated its commitment to addressing various issues and engaging with international organizations to promote cooperation and understanding. By understanding the binding nature of government resolutions and the recent actions taken by the Czech government, we can gain insights into the complexities of government decision-making and policy implementation.


[[1]]Rules of Procedure of the



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