High temperatures: An outbreak of fires in Luxembourg this weekend

PostedJuly 17, 2022, 7:09 PM

High temperaturesAn outbreak of fires in Luxembourg this weekend

LUXEMBOURG – Firefighters had a lot to do this weekend, with about fifteen fires to extinguish.

The Métissage café went up in smoke in Bonnevoie.


Fields burning in Wincrange and Esch-sur-Alzette, a truck catching fire on the A1, a cafe going up in smoke in Bonnevoie, several garbage cans on fire in Esch-sur-Alzette, a campfire spread near a hotel in Michelau… The litany does not stop there: the Luxembourg firefighters were called upon nearly fifteen times this weekend throughout the country.

“Certainly, agrees Cédric Gantzer, spokesperson for the Grand Ducal Fire and Rescue Corps (CGDIS), there is no correlation between these fires”. Only the series of garbage can fires, heaps of garbage and Dixi toilets in the night from Saturday to Sunday in Esch-sur-Alzette calls the police. “In some cases, the technical police were dispatched to the scene to see if there was no malicious origin, noted Sunday the police permanence, but it is necessary to wait for the results to decide”.

“Vigilance” due to temperatures

If the major fire of the weekend is the one that ravaged the Métissage café in Bonnevoie, Saturday, shortly before 2 a.m., the CGDIS spokesperson reiterates his “vigilance” in the face of the very numerous vegetation fires, but “fortunately limited ” right now.

Given the temperatures announced at the start of the week, “the CGDIS will be on heightened vigilance, we expect to be mobilized”, indicates Cédric Gantzer. It specifies that in addition, “a temperature close to 40°C massively complicates the work of firefighters in their heavy suits, and that, therefore, a turnover of staff is guaranteed”.

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