High-Stakes Police Shooting: Key Hearing for Domenico D’Atria Case

2023-08-31 11:23:00

A long-awaited hearing is taking place this Thursday, that of one of the police officers who fatally shot Domenico D’Atria on August 18. The latter had apparently not respected the injunctions and an agent was knocked down by the quad he was driving.

The young man is heard this followingnoon at the police station of Seraing by the Committee P, the control body of the police services. A hearing mandated by the investigating judge, a hearing which will be crucial because it is a question of whether or not this policeman acted in self-defense when he killed Domenico D’Atria. His colleague, present on the day of the tragedy, has already been heard. He mentioned the fact that he had no other choice. According to the prosecution, five neutral witnesses were also heard in this case. A ballistics expert and a medical examiner also submitted their report. But, for the moment no comment on the results. The investigators are awaiting the outcome of this very last hearing before deciding on the follow-up to be given to the investigation.

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