“High-Speed Self-Filming Driver Involved in Strépy Accident Exceeding 150 km/h”

The Public Prosecutor’s Office in Mons has provided an update on the ongoing investigation into the tragic incident that resulted in the deaths of six people. The figures revealed include 130 civil parties, 30 investigators, 200 identified witnesses, and 327 hearings or re-hearings. Additionally, 700 minutes have been written, not counting the investigative duties.

During a recent press conference, Damien Verheyen, Deputy Public Prosecutor, confirmed that the driver, Paolo Falzone, was filming himself while driving at more than 150 km/h. Although he slightly exceeded the authorized alcohol level, no nitrous oxide capsule was found in the vehicle, contrary to what has been reported in the press.

Various investigative procedures have been carried out, including a driving expertise, analysis of the driver’s mobile phone, luminescence tests on the vehicle’s headlights, and an examination of the electronic components by the manufacturer. The latter analysis is still in progress and aims to determine the trajectory of the vehicle, speed, driver behavior, acceleration, deceleration, braking, and other such information to establish the most precise course of events.

Paolo Falzone has been refused an electronic bracelet and remains in prison. An extraordinary reconstruction was conducted, which involved the accused, the passenger, Antonio Falzone, and the damaged vehicle. The purpose of this reconstruction was to compare the versions of the accused, victims, and witnesses and note their conformity or contradiction with the material elements of the investigation while visualising the facts as described. The results and conclusions are secret.

The main protagonists’ versions differ, particularly regarding the passenger being asleep at the time of the impact. However, the legal qualification of the facts remains provisional, and a timetable or deadline for the prosecution’s legal follow-up is yet to be established, says Damien Verheyen.

130 civil parties, 30 investigators, 200 people identified as witnesses, 327 hearings or re-hearings, 700 minutes written without counting the duties of the investigation, these are the figures communicated this Friday by the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Mons concerning the investigation in progress since 20 March 2022 and the terrible tragedy that saw the death of six people.

During this press conference, the Public Prosecutor’s Office confirmed in particular that the driver, in this case Paolo Falzone, “was filming himself at the time of the events and driving at more than 150 km/h, which was confirmed by the person concerned”, indicated Damien Verheyen, Deputy Public Prosecutor. “He slightly exceeded the authorized alcohol level but, contrary to what has circulated in the press since the tragedy, no nitrous oxide capsule was found in the passenger compartment of the vehicle..”

In addition to the numerous hearings carried out, a driving expertise, an in-depth analysis of the driver’s mobile phone, luminescence tests of the vehicle’s headlights were carried out as well as the extraction and analysis of the electronic components of the vehicle by the manufacturer. “This last analysis is still in progress and aims to compare the information collected in the context of the various duties carried out in order to determine as precisely as possible the course of events, namely the trajectory of the vehicle, the speed, the behavior of the driver, acceleration, deceleration, braking…

Strépy drama: Paolo Falzone’s request for the electronic bracelet refused, he remains in prison

An extraordinary reconstruction

The reconstruction of a particular moment of the drama took place this Thursday in the presence of Paolo Falzone and Antonio Falzone, his passenger and with the damaged vehicle. This precise moment is when Fred D’Andrea was hit by the vehicle and the events leading up to his death. An extra even wore a gille costume for the sake of veracity. “The results and conclusions of this reconstitution are covered by the secrecy of the instruction. Its purpose was to visualize the facts as described by the accused, victims and witnesses in the context of their hearings and, if necessary, to be able to compare the versions and note their conformity or contradiction with the material elements. of the investigation.

We know that the versions of the two main protagonists differ in particular on the fact that the passenger was asleep at the time of the impact, which the driver denies.

Regarding the legal follow-up, it is too early for the prosecution to commit to a timetable or a deadline. “The qualification of the facts remains provisional at this stage and is likely to evolve at all stages of the procedure.”, concludes Damien Verheyen.

Reconstruction of the Strépy drama: “The objective is to remove the remaining gray areas” (video)

The tragedy that unfolded in Strépy in March 2022 has left deep scars on the community and the families of the victims. The ongoing investigation, with its extensive interviews, re-hearings, driving expertise, phone analysis, and luminescence tests, has shed light on the events leading up to the fatal accident. The recent reconstruction of the critical moment of impact has added further details to the investigation, revealing discrepancies in the versions of the accused, passengers, and witnesses. While the legal follow-up remains uncertain, the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Mons is committed to removing all the remaining gray areas and bringing justice to the families of the victims. We can only hope that such a tragedy never happens once more, and the lessons learned from this investigation will lead to better road safety measures in the future.



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