High school students in Dachsberg started a climate bet against Provincial Councilor Kaineder

In November, the so-called climate days took place in the Dachsberg high school. In 34 classes, the topics of social climate, political climate, school climate and of course climate change were worked on in class. Even the school kitchen took part in the campaign with a special “climate menu”.

In addition, there was a lecture event for all high school students with various businesspeople and politicians, followed by a discussion. Among others, Climate and Environment Councilor Stefan Kaineder (Greens) was a guest.

A climate bet was immediately launched, which was regarding whether the school would be able to get each class to put together a school breakfast with 19 products that were either grown or produced by themselves or came from local farmers. The students worked really hard, bought regional products, baked and cooked. The vast majority of classes did very well and many children now also use products from the region for their breakfast at home. From homemade bread to a regional salami, everything was there. Kaineder also accepted this challenge with his employees. The winner of the bet will be chosen on March 31 during another visit by the state council.

Organizer and biology professor Christian Feurstein emphasizes: “It was great fun to work together as a school on this topic in so many different ways. We can make a difference in schools for society and therefore have to stay firmly committed to this central topic of the future.” Pupil Noah Gritsch from the 4c ​​class adds that he really liked the climate days: “It was very exciting to learn so much regarding this topic.”

Dachsberger coffee

The school is also currently producing fair trade coffee in his show roastery with the help of Michael Pauzenberger, the owner of Emma’s Shop in Kallham. Pupils who have registered for the workshop assemble the new Dachsberger coffee, roast it and design the packaging.


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