High-profile Murder Trial of 14-Year-Old Sparks Shock and Grief in Hanover: Updates from the Juvenile Court

2023-07-10 22:30:37

Status: 07/10/2023 1:54 p.m

The murder trial of a 14-year-old has begun in Hanover. He is said to have killed a classmate of the same age in Wunstorf in January. A case that had hit the whole city hard.

The 14-year-old has had to answer to a juvenile chamber of the Hanover Regional Court since Monday. He has so far remained silent on the allegations. His attorney said he would speak on behalf of his client during the trial. The trial is taking place behind closed doors because of the age of the accused.

The suspect is said to have confessed to the crime

The teenager is said to have tied up his classmate and then killed him with stones. Why is unclear. The two had met on January 24 of this year – and one of them did not return home following the date. His father reported him missing to the police. In the course of the search, the other eighth grader is said to have confessed to the police that he had killed and hidden his classmate. The 14-year-old’s body was found on a wasteland. The autopsy determined blunt trauma as the cause of death.


1 Min

The boy who was killed was a student at the Evangelical IGS Wunstorf. The church has sent emergency counselors to the school. 1 min

Seven days of hearing before the district court of Hanover

An arrest warrant for murder was issued for the suspect. He is currently in custody in the Hamelin Juvenile Institution. In the spring, the public prosecutor’s office in Hanover brought charges. Seven days of negotiations are scheduled for the process.

The victim’s parents hope the suspect will change

The victim’s parents are hoping for answers regarding the alleged perpetrator’s motive during the course of the proceedings. As a rule, this is the central question for the bereaved, said the parents’ lawyer, Steffen Hörning. Relatives would often leave such a process disappointed. The parents did not have a specific wish for a specific punishment. They have great hope that the accused will change in the possible sentence and that “things like this will not happen once more,” said the lawyer.


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The suspect, also 14, is said to have distributed blackmail letters in the neighborhood in twelve cases. 1 min

Headmistress: No evidence pointing to an alleged act

According to information from the NDR in Lower Saxony, the alleged perpetrator at the school was perceived as very quiet and unusually reserved. “He was always very withdrawn,” said Elke Helma Rothämel, director of the school for the two young people, “but he also had ideas, he was imaginative.” Rothämel describes the 14-year-old as a smart student. “He has become increasingly untidy of late, but we have had no clues that even remotely suggested what he allegedly did.”

The accused is said to have threatened neighbors to harm their children

On the other hand, the young person is said to have committed a criminal offense before the death of his classmate. He is accused of dropping ransom notes in neighbors’ mailboxes. The recipients are said to have been asked to deposit sums of money in these. Otherwise – the sender is said to have threatened – he will blow up their houses and harm their children. The accused also has to answer for the allegation of attempted extortion in twelve cases.

14-year-old can go to prison for up to ten years

The district court of Hanover does not comment on the process in this extraordinary case. In view of the age of those involved, the need for protection is particularly great. According to the spokesman, there will be no information until a verdict is reached. According to juvenile criminal law, the alleged offenses can be punished with a prison sentence of up to ten years. According to lawyer Hörning, the court will probably also deal with the question of preventive detention: “There are more arguments in favor of it than once morest it.”

Further information

The public prosecutor accuses the youth of treacherous murder. The accused has not yet commented. (05/03/2023) more

About 450 people took part in the service, including classmates of the dead man. The pastor found moving words. (08.02.2023) more

Around 100 people took part. The mayor appealed that people should refrain from assigning blame. (05.02.2023) more

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NDR 1 Lower Saxony | Current | 07/10/2023 | 10:00 a.m

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