High influx of passengers at the Orlando airport for spring break | Videos | Univision Orlando WVEN

in the range of the mid 70s andwe are at risk ofsevere weather.gustavo: the airportorlando internationalkeep working hardcapacity to receive thousandscity ​​during breakspring, this Tuesdayairline countershave been full ofaffected by cancellationsof the last hours. ourpartner is in the terminalI am with information wings,good morningpeople keep coming heremass despite the forecasts of thebad weather, despiteadvertised to be effective,despite the delays, the riseof fuel and decidingbreak. many people areinforándose a traés de lablackboard on the condition oftheir flights, they are exhausting thecorresponding process fortake the ride to your destination,some are waitingnew information regarding thecancellation of your possibleflight, others are delayed andUltimately, it seems thatrain, the forecast, nostop the party, nor the timeof leisure of the people here inorlando is still aa space to enjoy,have a good time and family andvacacionar.gustavo: you have to take incancellations from yesterday andthe start of spring breakthat attracts a lot of peoplecomes to our beaches, tothose days and the people who livehere it goes to other destinations.two situations havepresented and that’s why we see thepacked orlando airportof passengers. what has been theenvironment if you might see andtalk to passengers?reporter: a little less mesignificant number of people inhow much one goes up to this spacewhere are the main onesterminals, at level 1 bythe number of people doingrow is uncountable. I have the samesense that at the moment there istempers heated, approached alady to tell us regarding yourbad experience, today we have nothad the same luck, nowe have seen the same thing



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