High inflation, tight job market, U.S. ISM non-manufacturing index fell to 57.1 in April | Anue Juheng-US Stocks

The ISM non-manufacturing index released by the United States on Wednesday (4th) fell to 57.1 in April, lower than the expected 58.5 and not as good as the 58.3 in March. Data growth last month slowed and cost pressures worsened, underscoring the pressure on the industry from decades of high U.S. inflation and a tight labor market.

April US ISM non-manufacturing PMI sub-index:
  • The production index of business activities was reported at 59.1, the previous value was 55.5
  • The new orders index was at 54.6, the previous value was 60.1
  • The employment index reported 49.5, the previous value was 54.0
  • The supplier delivery index was reported at 65.1, the previous value was 63.4
  • The inventory index was reported at 52.3, the previous value was 51.7
  • The price index of raw materials was reported at 84.6, the previous value was 83.8
  • The index of outstanding orders was reported at 59.4, the previous value was 64.5
  • The new export orders index was reported at 58.1, the previous value was 61.0
  • The import index of raw materials was reported at 52.9, the previous value was 45.0
  • The inventory climate index was at 46.7, the previous value was 40.2
(Photo: ISM)

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