High deficit: Carinthia announces tough austerity measures

The red-black Carinthian state government has announced a rigorous austerity program. A savings target of nine to ten percent has been set for the 2025 budget, said Governor Peter Kaiser (SP). Carinthia is currently in debt to the tune of 3.8 billion euros, and by the end of the year it will be 4.4 billion euros.

Finance officer Gabriele Schaunig (SP) pointed to an increase in debt between 2002 and 2012 from 925 million to 3.07 billion euros. At 6,717 euros, Carinthia still has the highest per capita debt among the federal states.

Open where savings are being made

Where exactly how much should be saved still needs to be worked out, said Schaunig: “The savings range can go from zero to 100 percent. There will be areas in which it is not possible to save, while others may be able to be saved completely.”

“We must succeed in positioning Carinthia in such a way that there will be scope for investment in the future,” said Deputy Governor Martin Gruber (VP). It is important that a “long-term dampening path” is set out “and not sleight of hand tricks like we know from previous governments.”


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