High Altitudes and Unseen Gas: How Air Travel Influences Flatulence

2024-09-03 06:00:04

Find out why air travel increases the feeling of flatulence and what to do to reduce its effects.

Last updated: September 03, 2024

Staying at 10,000 meters for several hours causes adverse effects on the body. The recycled air, the lack of humidity and the low pressure can cause everything from acne to headaches. However, there is another situation that is perhaps more uncomfortable: gas production. Find out why air travel increases flatulence and what to do to reduce it.

Why does flying increase the feeling of flatulence?

Some biological processes are unbalanced in the environment generated in an airplane. The organism is exposed to unusual situations for several hours. Like a confined space, uncomfortable seats and a different air.

It is common for an airplane to renew the air every 3 minutes, which reduces humidity to a minimum. Therefore, the possibility of respiratory infections is increased and dryness of the skin is reinforced.

However, there is another problem derived from the low air pressure that circulates at height. It is the production of gas, a normal process of the digestive system. But it is proven that this production increases when you are at an altitude greater than 3353 meters.

Read also: Mint and anise infusion to soothe flatulence

The study that explains why flying increases the feeling of flatulence

Having gas and expelling it through belching and flatulence is part of the normal digestive process. They occur when ingested carbohydrates reach the large intestine undigested. This is when the gut microbiome produces gas while breaking down hard-to-digest foods.

Gases that are generated in excess are eliminated in the manner described. Retaining them can cause stomach discomfort, depending on the Clinique Mayo. For this reason, it is estimated that people expel up to 20 gases per day. But staying in an airplane usually increases the feeling of flatulence, and this is due to low atmospheric pressure.

A study published in the scientific journal The Western Journal of Medicinelooked into the subject and even gave it a name: the expulsion of flatulence at high altitude (HAFE). This is a syndrome that explains the spontaneous increase in flatulence beyond a certain number of meters.

The investigation showed that atmospheric pressure decreases at altitude. This causes the gases inside the body to expand, and a greater need to expel. The equation is simple. The higher the altitude, the lower the atmospheric pressure, therefore the intestinal gases with more volume and the need for expulsion.

This is also the case in the mountains

Another study, which aimed to investigate safety risks in the Australian alpine industry, assessed the symptoms that altitude produces in people. In this case, This is a publication in the magazine Medical Hypotheseswhich tells the story of the ascent of 8 people by car to a 1800 meter peak.

The results revealed that the frequency of gas production more than doubled after the ascent. They recorded an average of 14 evictions per person during the registration period. Therefore, it is a process that cannot be avoided. Although there are different actions that can reduce the effects.

What to avoid when traveling…

There is not much we can do to prevent a natural process like flatulence. However, there are some steps we can take to reduce the effects of high altitude on digestion.

These measures are related to the type of food, but also to certain eating habits and air intake. Although not all foods produce the same effects in all people, there are some that are generally best avoided before and during the flight:

Brussels sproutsBeansGarlicDairy productsBroccoliWhole grainsOther legumes


If the concern to avoid flatulence during the flight is great, It is advisable not to consume carbonated drinks 24 to 48 hours before the trip.. Far fewer people should drink carbonated drinks inside the plane or at the airport. Because it is better to avoid carbon dioxide. Beer also increases the production of stomach gas.

Swallowing air makes it worse

One of the causes of gastric gas production is air that enters the body while we swallow. Although it is inevitable to swallow air when eating or drinking, you absorb more when you chew gum, smoke or eat candy.

It is therefore important to avoid these practices in the moments preceding the approach. Additionally, the action of eating or drinking quickly also causes the ingestion of a greater amount of air.

Getting up and walking around from time to time helps digestion on the plane. Especially on trips lasting several hours, it is advisable to sit near the bathroom so that you can get up and go there.

There are methods and alternatives that help reduce flatulence on airplanes.

The effects of the cabin environment and gas generation are situations that cannot be changed. However, by applying a series of natural treatments it is possible to reduce them. But if this does not happen, it is advisable to consult a specialist before boarding a flight. In order to learn about methods and alternatives that would help improve stomach discomfort and, therefore, reduce flatulence.

#Air #travel #increases #flatulence

Here is a PAA ⁣(People Also Ask) ‍related question ‌for the title **The Uncomfortable Truth: Why Air Travel Increases Flatulence ‍and How to Reduce Its Effects**:

The ⁣Uncomfortable Truth: Why Air Travel Increases Flatulence and How to Reduce Its Effects

Staying at 10,000 meters for ​several⁣ hours can cause adverse effects on the body. The recycled air, lack⁢ of humidity, and low pressure can lead to everything from acne to headaches. However, there ‍is another uncomfortable situation that is perhaps more embarrassing: gas production.⁢ Find​ out​ why air travel increases flatulence and what to do to reduce its ⁤effects.

Why Flying Increases ⁣the Feeling of Flatulence

Some biological processes are unbalanced in ‍the environment ⁣generated in an ⁤airplane. The ⁤organism is exposed to unusual situations for several ‍hours, such as confined spaces,⁢ uncomfortable seats, and a different air. The⁢ air in ​an airplane is renewed every 3 minutes, which reduces humidity to a minimum,⁣ increasing the possibility of respiratory infections and dryness of the skin. However, there is another problem derived from the low air ‌pressure that circulates at height: gas production.​ This normal process of the digestive system increases when you are at an altitude greater than 3353 meters [[2]][[3]].

The Science Behind Bloating on Planes

Bloating on ⁤planes is ⁢caused by two⁤ main factors: bloating due to gases or inflammation in the gut and bloating due⁢ to water retention [[2]]. Air travel can cause dehydration and bloating, making you feel tired and ⁢stressed. The gut‌ microbiome produces‍ gas while breaking down hard-to-digest foods, and retaining these gases can cause stomach discomfort⁣ [[3]].

The Study That Explains Why Flying Increases Flatulence

Having gas ​and expelling it through belching and flatulence is part ​of the normal digestive process. They occur when ingested carbohydrates reach the large intestine undigested, producing gas while breaking down hard-to-digest foods [[3]].⁢ A study published in the scientific journal The Western Journal of Medicine ⁣looked into the subject ​and even gave it a name: the expulsion of flatulence at high altitude (HAFE) [[3]]. This syndrome explains the spontaneous increase in flatulence beyond a certain number of ⁢meters.

Reducing Flatulence on Airplanes

To reduce the uncomfortable effects‌ of flatulence on airplanes,‍ it is essential to stay hydrated​ by drinking plenty of water,⁢ avoid carbonated drinks and foods ‌that can cause bloating, and consider taking probiotics⁤ or digestive enzymes to help with digestion⁢ [[2]]. Additionally, wearing comfortable clothing and ​avoiding ‍tight seats can also help reduce discomfort.

The Importance of Being Prepared

As⁣ embarrassing as it may ‍be, having ‍a ​gassy passenger on a flight can cause delays ‍and disruptions. In extreme cases, a flight was reportedly delayed after the plane ran into some unexpected ⁣flatulence: an excessively gassy ‌passenger who had to be removed [[1]]. To avoid such situations, it is essential to be aware of the ⁣potential effects of air travel ‍on your body and take necessary precautions.

air travel can increase the feeling of‍ flatulence due to the low air pressure, recycled air, and confined spaces. However, by understanding the causes of flatulence and taking necessary precautions, you can⁢ reduce the uncomfortable effects of gas production‌ and enjoy a more pleasant flying experience.







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