Hideki Kamiya opens a YouTube channel and can’t work on games for a year

2023-10-12 14:47:31

The renowned video game developer Hideki Kamiya has opened his own YouTube channel after his departure from PlatinumGames a few weeks ago, while also announcing some details of his future.

At the moment the channel only has one video where he talks about what is coming and the reasons that led him to leave the studio of which he was one of the founders.

Although he does not provide a clear reason, Kamiya mentions that “I left the company because I wanted to follow my beliefs as a game creator” while adding that he wanted to “choose the path that I think is right and move forward.”

Despite this, Kamiya points out that he is not yet retired and that he wants to continue developing games, although he explains that he cannot “work for the same industry for a year in a row”, so his return to the world of video games will not be until later. of a time.

The video concludes with a touch of humor with the developer taking his red sports car while commenting that he is going “to the unemployment office.”

#Hideki #Kamiya #opens #YouTube #channel #work #games #year

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