Hidden gastronomy: kala’ with chicken

Health and Family

Hidden gastronomy: kala’ with chicken

The flora of Guatemala is so diverse that it includes edible plants that are known only in the localities where they grow and are consumed, such as kala’.

Hidden gastronomy: kala' with chicken

Kala’ with chicken, a recipe prepared by chef Ruty Molina. (Photo Prensa Libre, courtesy of Ruty Molina)

The kala’ (Carloduvica palmata), which translated from Q’eqchi’ means reed, It is harvested on the banks of rivers or some water source. “It is consumed in tamales, stews, wrapped in egg and our ancestors prepared it in recado, since its consistency is similar to that of chicken,” says chef Ruty Molina, Gastronomy instructor at Intecap in Cobán, Alta Verapaz, who prepared the kala’ recipe with chicken, traditional in her family.

“Kala’ is part of the diet of the inhabitants of the departmental capital of Alta Verapaz -Cobán- as well as in the Franja Transversal del Norte and Polochic,” he adds. It can be purchased in local markets, wrapped in the same leaves of the plant. It looks like a heart of palm, but when refrigerated, kala’ can change its exterior color and the center can remain white. “If not cooked immediately, blanch and refrigerate,” the chef recommends.

It is a versatile plant, which is also known as “wild palmito”, Its leaves are used to make roofs for ranches and the fibers from its stem are used to manufacture hats, baskets, and even paper.


1 package of kala’

1 pound of chicken

3 tomatoes

1 onion

1 chili pepper

5 cloves of garlic



Salt and pepper to taste



  1. Cut the chicken into pieces. Season with salt and pepper. Set aside.
  2. Cut the garlic and onion into small cubes and set aside.
  3. Cut the tomato into crush -blanch it first, peel it, remove the seeds and cut it into small cubes-. Set aside.
  4. Cut the chili pepper into julienne strips and the kala’ into small pieces and set aside.
  5. Place enough oil in a pot and fry the garlic and onion. When they appear crystallized, add the bay leaf and thyme for flavor.
  6. Add the chili pepper and tomato and add the chicken until sealed on both sides.
  7. Add the kala’ and if necessary, add a little water.
  8. Cover and steam. Adjust seasoning. Serve with rice.

Read also: Hidden gastronomy: delicious pioch

Chef profile

  • Ruth Noemí Molina Beltetón is a professional chef with more than 10 years of experience.
  • Specializes in cooking, pastries, bakery, sausages and grill.
  • He completed training in Chinese Cuisine Franchise Entrepreneurship at Hungkuang University in Taipei, Taiwan.
  • She was an instructor at Intecap in Santo Tomás de Castilla, Izabal, in 2019.
  • She is currently a Gastronomy instructor at Intecap in Cobán, Alta Verapaz.


#Hidden #gastronomy #kala #chicken



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