Hidden gastronomy: ancestral bachá – 2024-08-02 10:08:36

Health and Family

Hidden gastronomy: ancestral bachá

There are countless native products grown in our country, with which exquisite dishes can be prepared, such as bachá.

Hidden gastronomy: ancestral bachá

Bachá, a dish of Q’eqchi’ origin, prepared by chef Ruty Molina. (Photo Prensa Libre, courtesy of Ruty Molina)

“Bachá, which translated from Q’eqchi’ means ‘among ashes’, It is an ancestral dish from Alta Verapaz that is prepared on holidays. or, even, it is usually carried on trips for ease of transport, Well, it is wrapped in leaves“, says chef Ruty Molina, a gastronomy instructor at Intecap in Cobán.

“This recipe can be made with different types of proteins such as fish, pork rindchicken, giblets and hard-boiled eggs. In Cobán it is prepared with moxán leaf or maxan (Calathea lutea)hHoly Mary’s leaf (Piper auritum), vegetables, toasted and ground pumpkin seeds, and not forgetting the traditional ground cahabonero chili. Then, the protein is wrapped in the leaves, tied and placed under the hot ashes until it is cooked. It can also be prepared on the stove, steamed,” says Molina.

“My paternal grandmother Zoilita taught me how to prepare this traditional recipe, who, as far as I remember, prepared it to receive special guests. I can say that I feel proud to be able to present this wonderful local dish”the chef points out.


1 tilapia or mojarra

2 plum tomatoes

1 onion

3 garlic cloves




2 oz ground pumpkin seeds

1 oz chili cahabonero molded

Salt and pepper to taste

Maxán or moxán leaves

1 leaf of Santa Maria

Read also: 19th century recipe: the pleasure of a mojarra


  • Clean the fish thoroughly, make diagonal cuts and add salt and pepper. Set aside.
  • Cut all the vegetables into small cubes and set aside.
  • Finely chop the herbs and set aside.
  • Mix the pumpkin seeds and chili and set aside.
  • Place the Santa María leaf on the maxán leaf.
  • Place the fish on these leaves and add the pumpkin seed and chili mixture.
  • Add the chopped vegetables and herbs.
  • Wrap the fish like a tamale and tie with cibaque.
  • To cook it under the ashes, light the fire with wood and let it burn until it turns into ashes. When they are still hot, place the bachá package and cover it with the ashes.
  • Allow to cook for about 45 minutes. Remove from the ashes, uncover and enjoy.

Chef profile

  • Ruth Noemí Molina Beltetón is a professional chef with more than 10 years of experience.
  • Specializes in cooking, pastries, bakery, sausages and grill.
  • He completed training in Chinese Cuisine Franchise Entrepreneurship at Hungkuang University in Taipei, Taiwan.
  • She was an instructor at Intecap in Santo Tomás de Castilla, Izabal, in 2019.
  • She is currently a Gastronomy instructor at Intecap in Cobán, Alta Verapaz.
  • Read also: 19th Century Recipe: Fish Stuffed with Shrimp and Vegetables

#Hidden #gastronomy #ancestral #bachá



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