Hey Tyre:: The former Minister of Health, Dr. Hamad Hassan, visited the LDC Lebanon Diagnostic Center in Tyre

His Excellency the former Minister of Health, Dr. Hamad Hassan, visited the Lebanon Diagnostic Center LDC, located in the Tire region, where he was received by the director of the center, Hajj Hassan Shams El-Din, and the medical and administrative staff.

Dr. Hassan toured the center and inspected all sections of the radiology, laboratory, corona department, and outpatient clinics. He praised the efforts made by the technical and medical staff to develop the work.

At the end of the tour, Hajj Hassan Shams El-Din presented a shield of appreciation to Minister Hassan following his tour of the center, in appreciation of the tremendous efforts made by the Minister during the previous period.

He had a speech in which he congratulated the administrative and medical staff for their high level work, especially during the sensitive stage the country is going through.

After the visit, a lunch was held in his honor in the city of Tyre.



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