Hey Tire :: About the Ansar massacre and the mystery of the disappearance of the mother and her three daughters for weeks!!

An-Nahar website published:

Newspapers bring you daily news of security incidents such as murder, kidnapping and theft, not to mention suicides. The only thing missing from this scene was the quadruple massacre committed in Ansar al-Janoubia last week and shocked public opinion, so the shock of the massacre was added to the list of shocks that afflict citizens.

The wave of condemnation and outrage was not only due to its ugliness, and to the fact that its victims were girls of the age of flowers with their mother, but also because of the reluctance, shameful neglect and lack of serious investigation of the crime, as if the disappearance of three girls and their (divorced) mother for regarding three weeks, only calls for gossip regarding the morals of The fatalities justify the inaction of the security services.

This indicates the derogation of the rights of women, especially divorced women, on the grounds that they are stigmazed, which means waiting for any reckless behavior from them.

The bodies of the victims were found buried under cement in a cave outside the town, following they were lured by a brute who was bragging regarding publishing his pictures as a killer of wild animals. He planned and executed his cold-blooded murder.

The shameful treatment of their disappearance may also reflect the state of squalor and decadence that the general conditions have reached: psychological, moral, social and political, especially judicial, so that the judge wanted to close the file without caring to know their fate!! Perhaps if the girls’ father had not been the mayor of the estate, the perpetrator would have been able to get away with it.

The ink of the crime did not dry out until the news of the murder of a young man of his brother’s wife in Burj al-Barajneh camp spread. It is unfortunate to say that we are used to news of crimes and killings of women in particular.

Public opinion has recently paid attention to the newly released happiness index, and Lebanon’s ranking was at the bottom of the ladder, of course. Imagine that the Lebanese would be happy in a country whose people live on news of violence, lacking electricity, medicine and all the necessities of a simple life, except for those who have “fresh dollars” in the updated Lebanese language, at a time when banks are withholding their money and refraining from paying their entire salaries that have lost their value!

Nevertheless, the prime minister tells us that “we have to bear some,” because he and his government are no longer able to give us electricity and other services for free?!!

He forgot that he only gives us an hour or two a day and we have to pay the most expensive electricity bill for a limited number of hours of generators in fresh dollars, more than the salary of an ordinary employee. He didn’t realize that we pay taxes and overburden them for lost services.

Such a statement is considered an exercise of violence.. It is a moral assault on the Lebanese, in addition to the political and economic violence practiced by our rulers on a daily basis.

This multifaceted violence, practiced for years, seriously threatens social cohesion. It raises the level of risks that afflict the Lebanese and makes them vulnerable to mental illness, early death, suicide and other disorders.

Usually, mental health is only linked to one’s own values. But in reality it is linked to collective values ​​and intertwined with economic, social and political conditions. Every factor that harms the mutual adaptation between a person and his environment, whether from pollution and discrimination, to economic and political instability, the deliberate impoverishment of the Lebanese people, and the failure to provide the basic needs of food and clothing, in addition to health and educational services, all constitute an obstacle to mental health and proper adjustment.

In short, the Lebanese people are currently subject to mass violence. Economic-social and political violence that prevents any solution to even one aspect of life. It is not possible to separate between psychological violence at the level of individuals and sociological violence, as these factors always intersect.

Lebanon is an environment that has been under constant pressure, that is, the constraints, for a long time. The adaptation of individuals to the curtains and their flexibility, similar to the flexibility of rubber, which may break if the tension continues.

The result of all that sense of insecurity and fear of the present and the unknown future. Group violence spoils the social atmosphere, and makes people nervous and aggressive, whether in confined spaces such as home, school, workplaces and the street. Life itself has become corrupt in Lebanon.

Studies indicate that mental and psychological health problems affect the productivity of society as a whole, because they affect the performance of all individuals, including workers, employees and citizens. How then in a country that suffers from collapses at all levels!! The Lebanese society is bruised and tired and suffers from low productivity and returns in general. All of this upsets the balance of the social fabric, affects the future of the country itself, prevents it, and diminishes its ability to preserve freedom itself. Free and self-sufficient individuals are the ones who build free and impregnable nations.

Anxiety prevails in such cases, self-blame, shrinkage, dependence, and weak ego, resulting in lack of attention, excessive feeling of persecution, fatigue, torment, and lack of anger control. Hence sleep disturbances. The person sleeps with difficulty and wakes up at the slightest noise, because insomnia stems from a fear of being attacked, which prevents the individual from withdrawing his attention from the experienced outside world as a threat. This makes him unable to sleep. It is as if the individual is charged with watching over a world capable of attacking him at all times.

In addition to psychological and mental disorders of all kinds, the victims of violence and stress are more likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases, pressure, stomach ulcers, asthma, allergies, and even cancer. They are psychosomatic diseases, meaning that they are psychogenic diseases.

In addition to the problems of addiction, unemployment, emptiness, crime and suicide.

It may be useful for us to know the lessons learned from a huge and unique research, in which scientists at Harvard University followed the lives of thousands of people over a period of 75 years, from their youth until their old age, and presented by the psychologist Robert Waldinger under the title What makes a good life? And its quality with the results of the study, which explains our results on the ladder of happiness.

The study showed that social connections are really beneficial, and loneliness kills. Knowing that we can feel lonely with a group of people. It also turns out that people who have close social ties to family, friends, and community are happier, have better physical health, and live longer than people who are less connected. It turns out that the experience of loneliness is a toxic factor.

But that doesn’t mean that having more friends, or being in a committed relationship or not, is what matters. Most important is the quality of these close relationships. Living in a relationship in the midst of conflict, like high-conflict and uninhibited marriages, is bad for our health.

Living in good and warm relationships is a protective factor and protects good health. The happiest people in the study reported that on the days when they were in severe physical pain, their mood remained completely happy. But for people who were in unhappy relationships, the physical pain was amplified because it added to the emotional pain.

Perhaps this study explains to some why there is no happiness in Lebanon, because the collapse we suffer from negatively affects social and civil ties, poisoning and dismantling them and throwing the majority of people into the furnace of frustration, depression and unhappiness.



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