Heru Budi Unveils Exciting Plans for 21-Station Medan Satria-Tomang MRT Line

Tomang MRT “/>

Acting Governor of DKI Heru Budi Hartono (left), Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi (center), President Joko Widodo (right) at the launch of the MRT Jakarta East West Line Phase 1. (Muchlis Jr – Presidential Secretariat Press Bureau)

Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono said that the location of the launch of the East-West Line Integrated Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) project Phase 1 Medan Satria-Tomang has begun construction. The line will pass through 21 stations, with details Medan Satria – Ujung Menteng – Pulo Gebang – West Cakung – Penggilingan – Pulogadung – Perintis – East Pakulonan – West Pakulonan – Sumur Batu – Cempaka Baru – Galur – Senen – Kwitang – Kebon Sirih – Thamrin – Cideng – Petojo – Roxy – Grogol – Tomang. Meanwhile, Thamrin is the integration point between the North-South MRT HI Roundabout-Ancol Marina and the East-West MRT Cikarang-Balaraja.

“The construction of the 24.5 km East-West MRT line consists of 21 stations,” said Heru at the Thamrin MRT Station project, Central Jakarta, Wednesday.

He said the development was funded by a loan from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) through co-financing together with the Asian Development Bank (ADB), with the Ministry of Transportation as the Assisting Agency, and the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government as the Implementing Agency, as well as PT MRT Jakarta as Sub-Implementing Agency.

“Meanwhile, the construction of 800 meters in the Bekasi City area is funded by a central government grant, and its operations are borne by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government through the PSO scheme,” said Heru.

The implementation of the East-West MRT Corridor Phase I is carried out by the Ministry of Transportation as the responsible agency (executing agency). Then also by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government as the implementing agency, and PT MRT Jakarta (Perseroda) as the implementing sub-agency. (sub-implementing agency).

President Joko Widodo was present at the launch of the construction of the East-West Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) phase 1 from Medan Satria to Tomang, spanning 24.5 kilometers, on Wednesday (11/9/2024).

“By saying bismillahirrahmanirrahim this morning I launch the construction of the MRT East-West Line phase 1, stage 1,” said Jokowi.

He said, Indonesia has operated MRT phase 1 across North-South from Lebak Bulus to Bundaran Hotel Indonesia (HI). The existence of this transportation has changed the face of Jakarta and Indonesia. Moreover, the MRT that is currently operating has transported and provided services to 120 million passengers.

“It’s not a small amount. And now it is still under construction in phase 2A North-South from HI to Kota,” said Jokowi.

Therefore, the government wants to expand the scope of development so that this mode of transportation is also brought in for the East-West crossing.

“This will support Jakarta as a global city, Jakarta as an agglomeration city with its surroundings and a modern transportation civilization will truly be present after the MRT is completed,” said Jokowi. (H-3)

#Heru #Budi #Stations #Medan #SatriaTomang #MRT

Here are some PAA (People ‍Also Ask) related questions for⁢ the title **”Jakarta ⁤MRT ⁢East-West Line: A Comprehensive Guide”**:

Jakarta MRT ⁣East-West Line: A Comprehensive ⁤Guide

The⁤ Jakarta MRT East-West Line ‍is‍ a ⁢crucial transportation project aimed at alleviating traffic congestion in ‍the Indonesian capital. ‌This comprehensive⁤ guide provides an overview of the ⁣East-West Line⁤ project, its significance, and ⁤the latest developments.

Project Overview

The East-West Line is the⁤ second MRT Jakarta line, connecting Cikarang in the east‌ with Balaraja in the west via ⁤the Central ⁢Jakarta area [[1]]. The​ line spans ​approximately 24.5 kilometers and consists ‌of 21 stations, including ‍Medan Satria, Thamrin, and Tomang ​ [[3]]. The East-West Line is a significant investment in Jakarta’s transportation infrastructure, expected to⁣ support the city’s growth as a‍ global hub.

Funding and​ Development

The development of⁣ the East-West Line is funded by a loan ​from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) ‍through co-financing with the Asian Development Bank ‌(ADB) [[3]]. The Ministry of Transportation is the assisting agency, while the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government and PT MRT Jakarta are the⁣ implementing⁤ and sub-implementing agencies, respectively.

Construction and Integration

The construction ​of the East-West Line is divided into ​phases. Phase 1, which spans from Medan⁣ Satria to Tomang, ‍has begun construction [[3]]. Thamrin Station is the integration⁣ point between the ​North-South​ MRT HI Roundabout-Ancol Marina and⁣ the East-West⁤ MRT Cikarang-Balaraja‍ lines.

Impact‌ on Jakarta’s⁢ Traffic

The East-West Line is ⁢expected to significantly reduce traffic ‍congestion in​ Jakarta. According to President Joko Widodo, the MRT has already changed the face of Jakarta and Indonesia, ‍with the North-South‌ Line operating from Lebak ‍Bulus to Bundaran Hotel Indonesia (HI) [[3]]. The East-West Line will further enhance the city’s transportation network, ‌providing​ a‍ convenient ⁤and⁤ efficient ⁣travel⁢ option​ for residents and commuters.

Latest Developments

In a​ recent ceremony, President Joko Widodo ⁣launched ⁣the construction of the East-West MRT phase 1 from ⁤Medan Satria‌ to Tomang‌ [[2]]. The event marked a ⁤significant‌ milestone in the project’s development, with the ⁣president expressing ⁤his commitment to improving Jakarta’s transportation infrastructure.


The Jakarta MRT ‍East-West Line is a vital project that will transform Jakarta’s transportation landscape. With ⁣its extensive network ⁤and ⁢modern infrastructure, the East-West Line will provide a comfortable and efficient travel experience for residents and commuters. As Jakarta continues to grow as a global hub, the East-West Line will ‌play a crucial role in supporting⁤ the city’s development.





Here are some PAA (People Also Ask) related questions for the title **Comprehensive Article on Jakarta MRT East-West Line**:

Comprehensive Article on Jakarta MRT East-West Line

The Jakarta MRT East-West Line is a highly anticipated mass rapid transit project that aims to revolutionize the transportation system in Jakarta, Indonesia. The project is divided into two phases, with the first phase connecting Medan Satria in the east to Tomang in the west, passing through 21 stations in the Central Jakarta area [[1]].

Construction and Funding

The construction of the 24.5 km East-West MRT line is funded by a loan from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) through co-financing with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) [[2]]. The Ministry of Transportation serves as the Assisting Agency, while the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is the Implementing Agency, and PT MRT Jakarta is the Sub-Implementing Agency. Additionally, the construction of 800 meters in the Bekasi City area is funded by a central government grant [[1]].

Implementation and Agencies Involved

The implementation of the East-West MRT Corridor Phase I is carried out by the Ministry of Transportation as the responsible agency (executing agency), the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government as the implementing agency, and PT MRT Jakarta (Perseroda) as the implementing sub-agency [[1]].

Launch of Construction

On September 11, 2024, President Joko Widodo launched the construction of the East-West MRT phase 1 from Medan Satria to Tomang, marking a significant milestone in the project’s development [[1]]. The President expressed his enthusiasm for the project, stating that it will change the face of Jakarta and Indonesia, just like the North-South MRT line has done.

Station Details

The East-West MRT line will pass through 21 stations, including Medan Satria, Ujung Menteng, Pulo Gebang, West Cakung, Penggilingan, Pulogadung, Perintis, East Pakulonan, West Pakulonan, Sumur Batu, Cempaka Baru, Galur, Senen, Kwitang, Kebon Sirih, Thamrin, Cideng, Petojo, Roxy, Grogol, and Tomang [[1]].

Integration with Other MRT Lines

Thamrin station will serve as the integration point between the North-South MRT HI Roundabout-Ancol Marina and the East-West MRT Cikarang-Balaraja lines, providing seamless connectivity for commuters [[1]].

Future Expansion

The government plans to expand the scope of the MRT system in Jakarta, with the East-West line being a crucial part of this expansion [[1]]. The successful implementation of this project will pave the way for future MRT projects in Jakarta, improving the overall transportation system in the city.

the Jakarta MRT East-West Line is a significant infrastructure project that will greatly benefit the residents of Jakarta by providing a convenient, efficient, and reliable transportation system. With its strategic integration with other MRT lines, this project is poised to revolutionize the transportation landscape in Jakarta.


<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JakartaMRT”>[1] Jakarta MRT – Wikipedia

[2] Government drives acceleration of Jakarta MRT East-West corridor development – The Jakarta Post

<a href="https://openjicareport.jica.go.jp/pdf/1214479601.pdf”>[3] JICA Report on Jakarta MRT East-West Corridor Development



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