Heroic Doctor Stumbles Twice While Saving Patient: A True Display of Medical Dedication

2023-08-10 17:56:00

A video clip has swept social media in recent days, showing a doctor performing a “heroic” stance, as he was seen stumbling twice on his way to save a patient.

In the details, Doctor Mustafa Al-Ajdal appeared rushing in one of the corridors of Al-Rajaban Village Hospital to save a patient who was cut off from oxygen, as he fell to the ground and hit the waiting seats in the hospital.

Then the doctor was seen standing again, continuing to run, and falling again to the ground, to continue his way in a new attempt to save the patient.

Internet pioneers praised the doctor as they expressed his “sincerity in his work”, after he showed a true picture of the medical profession and doctor’s ethics.

The Ministry of Health and the Municipal Council in Libya honored Dr. Mustafa Al-Ajdal for the humanitarian situation and his efforts to “help the patient despite the incompleteness of his administrative and financial procedures,” according to local media.

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