“Hermanos Toloza” School, a breeding ground for Motatanense football

Douglas Abreu / CNP 21627


The Motatán municipality is one of the first quarries in Trujillo sport, with soccer being one of the main disciplines through the different minor soccer schools, having as its emblem, Leonardo “Leo” Lupi, who was part of the squad of the Trujillanos FC mountain warriors:

Among them, the “Hermanos Toloza” Soccer School. To learn more details about this respectable sports training institution, we spoke at the “Guillermo Briceño” stadium with its founder and director, Professor Dimas Toloza, who said:

Genesis “Seedbed of the Illustrious”

“This project began 9 years ago (2015) called “Semillero de Los Ilustres”, I worked only with a ball that I bought and a filter that Mr. Scarchella (Pepe) gave me, who together with Pineda (Luis), arrived in a cart “and they said to me, ‘Teacher, what do you need? ’ because they saw me working with my nails.

“I told them, I need a water bottle and a filter. We’ll be right back,” they said, and they left for Valera. The surprise came when they arrived at the house with a blue filter and a bottle. That’s yours. Don’t say who gave it to you. This is a great project. I worked with soda cans in which I put two or three fingers of sand. Those were the little cones. That’s how I started, and here I am,” he recalled.

Children from the Under-7 category in full training.

Foundation: “Hermanos Toloza” Football School

“Until Javier Reinoso came – president of the Municipal Sports Institute – an organization attached to the Mayor’s Office – told me “Dimas, let’s do something here” and the idea of ​​creating a public school arose, and here we are, with the name of the “Hermanos Toloza” Soccer School,” he said enthusiastically.

“It was founded on October 14, 2023, it started with 15 boys, then we reached 30, then 42, and so on until reaching 102. To our surprise, we had 140 and currently there are 180 children, of which 160 or so are in uniform, and we are almost ready to have them all in uniform,” he described.

What did we do? We played the state tournament, and I told Reinoso that we were too early to play in the state tournaments. He told me, let’s give it time, so I told him that two or three categories were enough. It turns out that six categories came out at once: Sub-7, Sub-9, Sub-11, Sub-13, Sub-15 and Sub-17,” he listed.

“Motatán footballer” pride

“This massive incorporation has been the result of the desire, enthusiasm and responsibility that we had among ourselves, without any self-interest, considering that we play free soccer, we grew up like that, to the point of playing barefoot. Today we have the support of the parents, we have made a lot of progress, thank God,” he said.

People from Valera approached me, soccer friends, like William Torrealba who, impressed, told me “what happened there, the impact of what you have done is huge, how are you going to get so many kids in uniform. I replied “Motatan is a soccer fan. Everything achieved has been due to the credibility that we represent,” he commented.

Dimas Toloza, founder and director of the “Hermanos Toloza” Football School

Self-management – ​​institutional support

“As for the coaching staff, I started with Johan Zerpa, then Javier Reinoso made available the coaches from the Municipal Sports Institute; Luis Zerpa, Jimmy, Eladio García, five with me, we have Professor Luis Araujo, and a seventh Douglas Balza, who has the under-17 category,” he indicated.

“Regarding the sports equipment, the first one was 3 balls from the IAMD; 20 minas (plates), then they donated 3 more balls. Later, we received 25 balls from Peru from my son along with other countrymen who are abroad: Soon, they will send other material. We built the goals by self-management, since the parents are the ones who provide the economic resources, in other words “the parents pay for their children’s soccer,” he said.

Participation in the second state

“We are currently playing the second state championship, and we are in the first places, where the U-15 category is undefeated; U-13, 4 games won and one lost; for 9 points; U-7, 4 games and has 6 points; U-9, 75%; that is, Motatan continues to demonstrate his football talent,” he confirmed.

At the state level: Under-15, undefeated; Under-13, 4 games (W) and one (L); Under-7, 4 games and has 6 points; Under-9, 75%.

Entry requirements

“To enter we use a procedure that determines the parents’ mood and interest, to whom I tell that I am at the stadium on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 6 in the afternoon, I wait for them there, when they come to train and I register them in the second training where they are under observation, if it works it is left, otherwise it is removed, because if not the groups become too crowded,” he explained.

Between tears and joys

“For this reason, it has been a great pleasure for me personally to work, to overcome the stress of suffering and the vicissitudes of life. I have spent tears and joy with the boys here, of course, very happy to see Professor Luis Zerpa again, at his age; very excited to serve this commendable work,” he recalled.

Admission is determined by the mood and interest of the parents or interested parties.

Godparents – Social Responsibility – 1st Anniversary

“The “Godfathers” program is planned to be launched to care for and incorporate children whose family income is insufficient. Likewise, an appeal will be made to strengthen self-management and social responsibility of the Motatanenses,” he said.

Finally, organize the celebration of the first anniversary of the School between September 2 and October 14, the date of the founding of Motatan and the “Hermanos Toloza” Football School, respectively, announced Dimas Toloza.

In this process of sports training, children acquire discipline and responsibility.


#Hermanos #Toloza #School #breeding #ground #Motatanense #football
2024-07-23 11:53:00



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