Heritage and Horizons: A Royal Couple’s Timeless Adventure

Heritage and Horizons: A Royal Couple’s Timeless Adventure

Local culture and the possibilities of the future are themes discussed on this year’s county tour for Crown Princess Mette-Marit and Crown Prince Haakon. A little light rain has been reported in Selbu and Malvik municipalities, which will receive a royal visit on Tuesday, but an outdoor gathering with speeches and gift-giving is promised regardless.

The royals can expect a good overview of what it is like to grow up in the municipalities with 4,200 and 14,800 inhabitants respectively.

In Selbu, there will be a stop at the cultural school, which shares premises with Bell School. There will be a school choir, band and elements from Selbu cultural school. The trip then goes to Årsøya Leisure Park and an introduction to the activities there.

– There will also be traditional dancing and an exhibition of seal mittens, promises the municipality on its websites.

100-year celebration and Arabic food

In Malvik municipality, there will be several meetings with the rising generation. First, the crown prince couple will visit Hommelvik IL’s family event at the Øya sports complex. The event is part of the sports team’s 100-year celebrations, and the crown prince couple will also get to meet athletes from the club of all ages.

Later that day, the crown prince and couple visit the popular activity offer “Globusen” at the youth center in Hommelvik. NTB is informed that the crown prince couple and around twenty young people will participate in the serving of Arabic food.

The Crown Prince couple also stop by the Johan Nygaardsvold Museum. Nygaardsvold was Norwegian Prime Minister from 1935 to 1945 and led the government-in-exile in London during the war, after the government was forced to leave Norway in June 1940.

Village and city

Wednesday is dedicated Midtre-Gauldal municipality before the county tour ends in Trondheim municipality on Thursday. Mayor Trude Heggdal in Midtre-Gauldal says it will be a great honor to show off the beautiful nature, the local community and business life.

– But first and foremost it is about human encounters and public life, which the crown prince and couple themselves express that they want, says Heggdal.

The Crown Prince couple will start on a farm in Soknedal, where a family with small children will talk about life after they took over the farm in 2019. A little later, the residents of the municipality will also get to see the Crown Prince couple when there will be an event with speeches at Støren. There will be new visits to local schools and an insight into the young people’s everyday life.

The last day of the county tour ends with a program in Stiftsgårdsparken in Trondheim, a visit to Lilleby school and Rosendal theatre.

Both the crown prince couple and the royal couple usually carry out one annual county visit each, in order to visit as much of the country as possible, and gain an insight into people’s lives and work.

#History #future #central #crown #prince #couples #county #tour
2024-09-10 11:33:52

Norway state visit

Experience Local Culture with the Norwegian Crown Prince and Crown Princess

The Norwegian​ Crown Prince and Crown Princess, ⁤Haakon ⁣and ‌Mette-Marit, embarked on a county tour to explore the rich cultural heritage and⁢ vibrant‍ communities ⁣of Trøndelag. This royal visit aimed to highlight the importance ‌of local culture and⁤ the⁤ possibilities of the future for the younger ​generation.

Selbu ⁣and Malvik‍ Municipalities

On Tuesday, the royal couple visited Selbu and⁣ Malvik municipalities, where they were greeted with a ⁢warm welcome despite the light rain. The tour started at the cultural school in Selbu, which ⁤shares​ premises with Bell School. The⁤ school showcased its ⁣talented students,‌ featuring ‍a school choir, band,‌ and elements from the ⁣cultural school. The Crown Prince and Crown Princess then headed to ⁢Årsøya Leisure Park, where they were introduced to various activities⁤ and exhibits, including traditional dancing and ‍an exhibition of seal mittens [[1]].

In Malvik municipality, the royal couple attended Hommelvik IL’s family ‌event at the Øya sports complex, which was part of the sports team’s 100-year celebrations. ​They met ⁢athletes from the club of all ages and participated in the serving of Arabic ‍food at the “Globusen” youth‍ center. The couple also⁤ visited the Johan Nygaardsvold Museum, dedicated to the⁢ life and ‌legacy of Norway’s Prime Minister from⁢ 1935 to‌ 1945.

Midtre-Gauldal and Trondheim Municipalities

On Wednesday, the Crown Prince and Crown Princess visited Midtre-Gauldal municipality, ‌where they were ⁣welcomed by Mayor Trude Heggdal. The tour⁣ focused on showcasing the region’s beautiful ⁣nature,‌ local community, and ⁢business⁤ life.⁣ As ‌Mayor Heggdal emphasized, the visit was primarily about human encounters and public life, reflecting ​the royal couple’s own interest​ in engaging with local communities.

the county tour concluded in ⁤Trondheim municipality on ⁣Thursday. Throughout their journey, the Crown Prince and ⁤Crown Princess immersed​ themselves in​ local culture, engaging with residents, ​students, athletes, and​ business ⁣owners.

A Commitment ⁤to Environmental ⁤Efforts

The Crown​ Prince’s commitment to environmental issues was recently highlighted during his​ visit⁣ to Seattle, where he discussed green⁢ transition and advancing environmental efforts [[2]].⁤ As a patron of the⁤ Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)​ since 2017, the Crown Prince has also demonstrated his dedication to supporting vulnerable communities [[3]].

the Norwegian Crown ⁤Prince and Crown Princess’s county tour showcased⁢ the rich cultural⁢ diversity and ​resilience ⁤of Trøndelag’s communities.⁤ By engaging with ⁣local residents, businesses, and ‍organizations, the royal couple demonstrated their commitment to supporting the region’s development and promoting environmental sustainability.

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Experience Local Culture with the Norwegian Crown Prince and Crown Princess

The Norwegian Crown Prince and Crown Princess, Haakon and Mette-Marit, embarked on a county tour to explore the rich cultural heritage and vibrant communities of Trøndelag. This royal visit aimed to highlight the importance of local culture and the possibilities of



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