here’s who’s rooting for the pink DC –

Thomas Manni

Luigi Bisignani launched his prophecy in on September 1: Maria Elena Boschi and Mara Carfagna are working to refound the Christian Democracy in a modern way. An attempt to try to do what neither Calenda nor Renzi managed to do with the Third Pole, a project for the occupation of the center that failed before it even started. «The plan (…) is making headway also with the support of what remains of the Vatican and the CEI, to which is added that of Manfred Weber and numerous groups of Catholic associations and volunteers. Incredibly, it seems that even Giorgia Meloni, certainly busy with other matters, is not against the project, as it is seen above all in an anti-Lega and Forza Italia light».

Crazy Boschi-Carfagna idea, this is how the “pink DC” is reborn. Bisignani’s bombshell

Boschi has always been a point of reference for the network of associations «Ditelo sui tetti», a think tank close to the Secretary of State Pietro Parolin and the powerful Undersecretary to the Presidency of the Council Alfredo Mantovano. Carfagna, a super Atlanticist, «is in the front row at numerous meetings in the Vatican, where he stands out for his attention to social issues and human rights», writes Bisignani. We recall that back in 2015 Bisignani told of a behind-the-scenes story that later came true. «The secret pact between Salvini and Grillo», an article, also published in our newspaper, which was greeted with no small amount of skepticism and even some easy irony. Only then, a few years later, the indiscretion became a prophecy when Conte I was born, which saw grillini and leghisti in government together. Who knows if it will end up like this this time too.

It's a race against the... Center. Conte does a pirouette and

#heres #whos #rooting #pink #Tempo
2024-09-03 04:45:11



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