here’s where – The Time

The return of bad weather has taken us by surprise and, in light of what happened in Emilia Romagna and Marche, the damage is already being counted. We must expect many more days of rain and river flooding. Paolo Sottocorona, regarding today, reassured everyone. “A day that, compared to the previous ones, we can define as calm”, he pronounced live from the Omnibus studio, on La7. Only in the South, in fact, is there the possibility of some “sporadic, very isolated, more consistent phenomenon”, the expert anticipated. Which regions will be affected by this slight instability? Basilicata, Campania and Calabria and part of Puglia. In the rest of Italy, however, “some very weak precipitation and large clearings”.

Cyclone Boris, Giuliacci's forecast: When the rain stops

“There is some gray clouds, but the rains are very light”, specified the meteorologist while publishing the latest weather forecast. Tomorrow, however, something will change “due to some afternoon phenomena”. “Large clouds with some showers” will form on the central-southern Apennines, in Sicily and on the western areas of the Alps. The reason? “From the West, from France, a more severe bad weather area is approaching”, explained Sottocorona, pointing to the map. This bad weather, however, “on Monday does not enter directly but organizes and remains at the level of the Alpine areas. Something also enters towards the Tyrrhenian Sea”. The minimum temperatures “have had some slight recovery”, he concluded.

#heres #Time
2024-09-23 15:26:08



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