Here’s how you can apostille your documents in Venezuela (+ steps)

Apostille your documents in Venezuela In order to be able to become a citizen in another country where you apply for residency, it is important, since it is what provides the authenticity of the same.

It should be noted that this certification process is granted only to countries that are signatories to the XII Convention of the Hague Conference on Private International Law of October 5, 1961.

In this sense, legalization is issued in those cases in which the destination country has not signed the aforementioned Agreement, or the documents come from Diplomatic or Consular Representations accredited to the National Government.

Apostille your documents? Which ones?

  • Single letter
  • Birth certificates
  • Marriage certificates
  • Death certificate
  • Authoritative documents (criminal records)
  • Certified bachelor’s or university degree notes
  • University documents
  • Bachelor’s degree

Request an appointment for the apostille as follows:

  1. First you must create an account through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website in the Services section, Legalization and Apostille section.
  2. Once registered, enter the system and complete the applicant’s data:
  3. Then you must enter the documents you wish to apostille (each apostille costs 0.4 UT):
  4. Save the data of the document to be apostilled and continue adding the rest to be processed:
  5. To continue with the submission of documents you must complete some formalities. The page will tell you which ones are:
  6. Next, check that all the documents you wish to apostille are added in the box, then click “Continue.”
  7. On the next page, you must select the date to go and stamp the documents:
  8. Once the day has been selected, proceed to finalize the appointment:
  9. Next, print the necessary forms:
  10. Finally, check that all the data is in order.
Apostille your documents in Venezuela safely.

INTT: Correct errors on your driver’s license ONLINE

#Heres #apostille #documents #Venezuela #steps
2024-08-11 12:16:39



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