Here’s how to swallow your medicine to make it more effective


If you don’t know the best way to swallow your medicine, here are two valuable tips to follow.

Researchers would have discovered the best position to make his medicine as effective as possible. The study, carried out by Johns Hopkins University and published by the journal Physics of fluids, was recently shared by the SHE France. She first reveals that the oral route would be “the most complex way for an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) to penetrate and be absorbed by the body”. The best posture to maximize the virtues of a drug would therefore be to be lying on the right side. In this way, the pill we ingest would be more effective and faster. In total, the position that one would take to ingest his drug would have up to 83% of effect on its absorption according to the scientists.

According to them, the supine position would be ideal because “the contractions of the stomach induce pressure and shear forces” which “generate complex trajectories of the tablets” which can lead to “variable rates of tablet dissolution”. But before knowing how to place yourself, there would also be a particularly favorable method for swallowing your medicine. According to Timewho shares a study published in the Annals of Family Medicine, the “leaning forward” method would prevent you from choking or getting your pill stuck in your throat in the future. Also called the “leaning forward” technique, it consists of swallowing in a vertical position, the head tilted forward, chin towards the ground. A total of 96.9% of participants found this method more effective. Your turn to try !



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