here’s how it’s transmitted –

It’s a virus Mpoxthe name that replaced the one used until recently of monkeypoxis in EuropaThe first cases were identified in Sweden, while in Africa It is an emergency with at least 1,200 cases in the last seven days. To provide basic information on this virus and to explain how you can defend yourself, even if in Italia there is no alarm yet, it’s the professor Massimo Andreoni. Monkeypox presents with blisters on the skin, fever, muscle pain and other symptoms, and “it can be a serious disease because” the patient “can experience significant complications”, explains the expert to Rainews24.

Monkeypox in Europe: What we know about the new strain: how it is transmitted

“In this Epidemic we have about 3.5% deaths so it is certainly a disease that should not be underestimated”; explains the professor. infection It occurs mainly “through sexual contact but not only, it is therefore advisable to have safe relationships and with safe partners”. But also “to be careful that there are no lesions on the skin that could recall this disease in some way, is the best way to try to prevent it”. The infection as mentioned “does not only occur through sexual contact but can also occur through direct contact with the skin and the mucosa, or with objects that have come into contact with these lesions, so towels for example can be a source of contagion”, explains the expert. The time for the disease to evolve is “two weeks”, during which the positive person should be kept in isolation.

Monkeypox, Ministry of Health “Surveillance network strengthened”

As for the Vaccinethe one that was used in Italy until the mid-1970s “reduces the risk of having complications from the disease by more than 50%, but it is a vaccination that is no longer carried out so we only have good immunity in older subjects”. The one currently available is a “good vaccine, we are ready as we did in the 2022-23 epidemic to intervene with vaccination for people who were at risk, in the event that the epidemic tends to spread further and also reach Italy”, explains Andreoni.

#heres #transmitted #Tempo
2024-08-18 20:13:23



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