“Here, it’s pleasure that comes first”: We met a pole vaulting giant in the paddock of the Isola 2000 circuit

2024-01-13 11:42:00

He couldn’t ignore the final stretch. Just out of recovery after surgery
of the left thigh (partial rupture of the hamstring tendon) in September, Renaud Lavillenie honors his
presence of the final three stages of the Andros E-Trophy farewell tour.

Friday and yesterday, it was at Isola 2000 that the XXL-sized pole vaulter fond of mechanical thrills reconnected. The opportunity to give him our microphone under the canvas of the MRacing team driven by the king of ice power 10, Yvan Muller…

Renaud, when and how did you join the big Andros E-Trophy family?

It dates from 2016. The year I created the All Star Perche (the indoor meeting that he organizes every winter in Clermont-
Ferrand, the next one being set for February 22, editor’s note). In search of partners, I naturally turned to the group

Andros who has supported me for a long time. I know the company, the Gervoson family, well. They immediately gave the green light and offered me in return to come and taste the Andros Trophy ice cream. For a motor sports enthusiast like me, there are worse deals… That’s how I ended up at the wheel of an electric Andros Car (2-wheel drive) at home in Super Besse. A very nice baptism. The beginning of a beautiful story.

Your drive opened the doors to the elite category for you. In what state of mind do you approach this transition to the upper floor?

I had already had the opportunity to take charge of a Silhouette (4-wheel drive and steering) two years ago, again in Super Besse. From the first laps, you measure the difference. The chained experiences in propulsion mode
since 2016 have allowed me to get the hang of it. Enough to switch without big problem. Especially since I’m not obsessed with the search for performance like on a jumper.

Here, it’s pleasure that takes precedence. Discover, learn, progress rather than being close to the limit at the risk of going beyond it. Faced with these girls and guys who are so much more accustomed and seasoned, my place on the starting grid doesn’t matter… even if I prefer to leave it to someone else to bring up the rear.

What essential advice did your sacred team manager give you?

Yesterday (Friday), after qualifying heat 1 where I lost control, Yvan (Muller) told me: “Don’t worry about others. Focus on your landmarks, on your trajectory. We don’t care about the clock. Let’s go crescendo. We will refine the details over time.” This weekend, there is more driving than usual (three races). That’s fortunate. From the
next qualification, I applied myself. And immediately, I felt my driving much more efficient. With a guide of this caliber, there is no need to ask yourself a thousand questions. You just have to listen, understand.

Once the poles are permanently put away, will we see you more often on the circuits?

Oh yes, there is a good chance! On two wheels, on four wheels, depending on the opportunities that present themselves. I love motorcycles, but cars attract me more and more.

If you could make one dream come true in mechanical sports, what would it be?

I did the 24 Hours of Le Mans on the handlebars (25th overall and 13th in the Superstock category in 2013 on a
Suzuki).So I dream of the 24 Hours auto race. Huge challenge! Today, I don’t know at all if I would be able to do it. My only certainty is that I want to try the adventure.

On the athletic side, where are you between convalescence and resumption of training on the way to the 2024 Olympic Games?

We follow the road map. After the surgery, there was this parenthesis of an effortless trimester to
respect. Goal achieved. I started running again three weeks ago. Today, even with amplitude in the movements, I no longer feel any pain in the tendon area, proof that the operation worked. It’s cool. Very encouraging.

The next steps?

From Monday (tomorrow), back to work. We’re going to move up a gear, let go a little more. With ambition
to grab a pole again when all is well, normally during the month of March. It doesn’t seem very far away to me anymore. And then the time for the competition should come at the end of May, beginning of June. There will then be four or five weeks straight ahead, until the French championships (June 29-30, in Angers), to achieve the minimums.

In this season of wishes, what better can we wish you? Get on the podium this summer in Paris alongside your friend Armand Duplantis?

Just wish me good health. May she allow me to compete on the track at the Olympic stadium. The rest I’ll take care of. At 37, I know how to do it.

#pleasure #met #pole #vaulting #giant #paddock #Isola #circuit

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