Here is the underrated Lebanese movie

The movie “Bingo” was released in 2016, and the Lebanese flocked to watch it, because of its heroes who contributed to the laughter of the audience for many years, and they did not disappoint them, it won many praises, and many of them continue to watch it to this day, with the aim of entertainment and spending a beautiful time, but sad, It ignores the underlying and important messages that the film is trying to convey.

The film revolves around a primary school music teacher who hates children, Abdo, and wakes up one day to discover that his grandfather wants to bequeath him a great fortune, but to get it, he must take care of his 7-year-old aunt. She perfected her role, but Fouad Yammine is more famous than he knows, but the film tried to shed light on many issues, among which we mention the character of Abdo, who was bullied throughout his life, and might not abandon his childhood, as he created a fictitious character that accompanied him throughout his life, and spent Most of his time with her for fear of facing society, and this left an impact on his career. Because of his severe tension in front of the world, he might not share his wonderful talent for singing and playing, and decided to work in a field he did not like because it was the only solution for him.
On the other hand, his little aunt, with a great personality, was living a life unlike Abdo, because she was also bullied, she found comfort in books and information, so she tried to gain as much information as possible in the least time possible.
Of course, “Bingo” is not the only movie that talks regarding bullying, but it is the first that deals with the effect of parenting on the reaction of the child, and regarding the fictitious character that many children use as a coping mechanism.
Among the heroes of this wonderful movie are Fouad Yammine, Lilian Nimri, Wissam Saad, Zina Makki, Mohamed Shamas, and Massa Habib, and it was written by Claude Saliba.



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