Here is the profile of the new Ministers appointed by President Maduro

This Tuesday the president Nicolas Maduroannounced changes in the ministerial cabinet, in order to strengthen the structure of the Venezuelan socialist State.

Below are the political profiles and positions that the new ministers will occupy.

Grecia Colmenares – Minister of Youth:

Social Communicator. Secretary of Youth of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (JPSUV). Regional team of the JPSUV Táchira and state liaison (2018). Deputy to the National Assembly (AN).

Grecia Colmenares, Minister of Youth.

Eduardo Piñate Rodríguez – Minister for the Social Process of Labor:

Venezuelan teacher, politician and historian. Minister of Education and Vice President for Social and Territorial Socialism. Minister of Social Process and Labor. Deputy of the National Assembly in the 2010 parliamentary elections. Governor of Apure state.

Here is the profile of the new ministers appointed by President Maduro pinate
Eduardo Piñate leaves the Apure Governorship.

Raúl Paredes – Minister of Habitat and Housing:

He held the position until now as Minister of Public Works. He has worked on housing projects, such as the Gran Misión Barrio Nuevo Barrio Tricolor, president of this institution. Head of the Comprehensive Defense Operational Zone in the state of Monagas, ZODI-Monagas.

Here is the profile of the new ministers appointed by President Maduro Raul Paredes Minister of Housing
General Raúl Paredes leaves the Ministry of Public Works and moves to Habitat and Housing.

Pedro Rafael Tellechea – Minister of Industry and National Production:

Mechanical Engineer, he headed the Ministry of Popular Power for Petroleum and was president of Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA). In addition, for three years 2020 – 2023 he was president of Petroquímica de Venezuela.

He was also general manager of the Mixed Enterprise Metanol of the East, Metor SA; and president of the Venezuelan Aluminum Industry (CVG Venalum).

Here is the profile of the new ministers appointed by President Maduro Pedro Tellechea
Pedro Tellechea leaves PDVSA and joins the Ministry of Industry and Production.

Héctor Rodríguez – Minister of Education and Vice President for Social and Territorial Socialism:

Venezuelan lawyer and politician. He served as a student leader at the UCV, a member of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV). Minister of the Office of the President, Vice Minister of Student Policies, attached to the Ministry of Higher Education. He was also Vice-Rector of Social Affairs at the National Experimental University of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (UNEFA).

He also served as Minister of Sports (2010), Second Vice President for the Social Area and Minister of Youth (2013), Minister of Education (2014), Deputy to the National Assembly (2016-2017) and Governor of Miranda State since 2017.

Here is the profile of the new ministers appointed by President Maduro hector rodriguez2
Hector Rodriguez leaves the Governorship of Miranda.

Delcy Rodríguez – Minister of Petroleum:

Currently Executive Vice President of Venezuela, godmother of the Caracas Metro. Until today, she served as Minister of Economy, Finance and Foreign Trade. She was Minister for Communication and Information of Venezuela, from August 3, 2013, to October 13, 2014. In addition, she held the position of Minister for Foreign Affairs from December 26, 2014, to June 21, 2017, among other important positions in Venezuelan politics.

CNE nodes
Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodríguez also takes over the Ministry of Petroleum.

Diosdado Cabello – Minister of Interior, Justice and Peace:

Venezuelan politician and military officer. Deputy to the National Assembly and first vice president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV). He held the position of Minister of Dispatch (2001), Vice President of Venezuela (2002), Minister of Interior and Justice (2002). He has also held positions such as Governor of the state of Miranda (2004-2008), Minister of Public Works and Housing (2009-2010) and President of the National Assembly.

Diosdado Cabello Rondón takes over the Ministry of the Interior, a portfolio he held for 22 years.

Hector Obregon – President of PDVSA:

Here is the profile of the new ministers appointed by President Maduro Hector Obregon
Hector Obregon is the new president of PDVSA.

Menry Rafael Fernández Pereira – Minister of Agriculture and Lands:

He is a brigadier general in the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) and serves as National Superintendent of Agri-Food Management (SUNAGRO). In 1999, he was assistant to former President Hugo Chávez for two years. Later, he was an advisor to the Ministry of Science and Technology, PDVSA and the National Electoral Council (CNE).

Here is the profile of the new ministers appointed by President Maduro menry1
Menry Fernández is the new Minister of Agriculture.

Leticia Gómez – Minister for Tourism:

Before her recent appointment, she served as Vice Minister of International Tourism of the Ministry of Tourism and President of Venezuelan Tourism – Venetur SA

He has extensive professional experience having held international positions of responsibility in tourism, mainly in Venezuela, Cuba and Spain.

Here is the profile of the new ministers appointed by President Maduro Leticia Gomez1
Leticia Gomez replaces Ali Padron in the position.

Anabel Pereira Fernández – Minister of Finance and Foreign Trade:

Chairwoman of the restructuring board of the National Superintendence of Cryptoassets and Related Activities (Sunacrip), appointed on March 17, 2023. Lawyer. Superintendent of Banking Sector Institutions (Sudeban), since January 19, 2023. Former president of the Fund for Social Protection of Bank Deposits (Fogade).

Here is the profile of the new ministers appointed by President Maduro la verdad de monagas 2
Anabel Pereira was president of Fogade.

Carlos Masjustin – Minister of Water Affairs:

He headed the Hydrological Commission of the states of Anzoátegui, Sucre and Nueva Esparta (Hidrocaribe), until September 2023 and was subsequently in charge of the Hydrological Commission of Barinas and Trujillo (Hidroandes).

He also assumed responsibilities for the execution and administration of civil and hydraulic works at different levels of government and agencies. During the meeting with the municipalities, it was reported that 22% of the approved projects were for the comprehensive management of water.

Here is the profile of the new ministers appointed by President Maduro Carlos Majustin Aguas
Carlos Masjustín is the new Minister of Water.

Ricardo Sánchez – Minister of Higher Education:

He was a member of the National Assembly for the Gran Polo Patriótico (Great Patriotic Pole) and president of the Federation of University Centers of the Central University of Venezuela (2007-2008). In 2016, he participated in military exercises as part of the preparation for the battle against the empire.

Here is the profile of the new ministers appointed by President Maduro ricardo sanchez
Ricardo Sánchez was a member of the National Assembly.

Arnaldo Sánchez – Minister of Sport:

Deputy to the National Assembly (AN) for the state of Mérida, president of the Parliament’s Subcommittee on Youth and Sports and president of the Venezuelan Triathlon Federation (FVT).

Here is the profile of the new ministers appointed by President Maduro la verdad de monagas 3
Arnaldo Sánchez was a member of the National Assembly.

Jhoanna Carrillo – Minister for Women and Gender Equality:

Venezuelan lawyer, she was appointed Minister of Urban Agriculture (Minppau) in August 2023. She held positions such as Deputy Minister of Popular Networks in the Housing and Habitat portfolio. In addition, she was coordinator of the Missions and Great Missions System and national secretary of the Somos Venezuela Movement.

In addition to leading the Ministry of Popular Power for Women and Gender Equality, she was put in charge of the Great Venezuela Women Mission (GMVM).

Here is the profile of the new ministers appointed by President Maduro jhoanna carrillo
Jhoanna Carrillo, Minister for Women.

Magaly Gutiérrez Viña – Minister of Grandfathers and Grandmothers

Lawyer. To date, she has held the position of Minister of Health since 2022. She has also been president of the Venezuelan Social Security Institute (IVSS) since 2018. She was president of the National Institute of Social Services (INASS) and head of the Great Mission of Greater Love Venezuela (2014-2017). Then, from 2017 to 2021, she assumed the presidency of the National Foundation “Niño Simón”.

It is worth noting that since 2007 Magaly Gutiérrez has held various positions in the socialist government, standing out for her high level of social sensitivity and political commitment in defense of sovereignty, as well as being a defender of the rights of older adults and of children and adolescents.

Here is the profile of the new ministers appointed by President Maduro Magaly Gutierrez Vina
Magaly Gutiérrez Viña, new Minister of Grandparents.

Juan José Ramírez – Ministry of Public Works:

Civil engineer, until his recent appointment he held positions such as Deputy Minister of Public Works. He was also President in Charge of the Corporation “Vialidad y Construcciones Sucre, SA” (VYCSUCRE), an entity attached to the People’s Ministry of Public Works.

Public works
Juan José Ramírez, comes from serving as Vice Minister of Public Works.
Here is the profile of the new ministers appointed by President Maduro new ministers1
Here are the changes in the Executive Cabinet.

With information from Venezuela News

Diosdado Cabello is appointed as Minister of Interior, Justice and Peace

#profile #Ministers #appointed #President #Maduro
2024-08-28 02:49:27



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