The Kremlin has launched a media operation to convince Ukrainians to leave Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second largest city, ahead of a possible offensive. This is what analysts from the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) highlight. Since March, pro-Kremlin anchor Vladimir Solovyov has stressed in several televised speeches that the Russian armed forces would destroy Kharkiv “neighborhood by neighborhood.” And he called on Ukrainian civilians to leave the city within 48 hours. The calls were relaunched last week by the Russian neonationalist publication Tsargrad which, citing unspecified military sources, said a Russian military operation was inevitable. And that the situation in Kharkiv would be “worse than in Bakhmut and Avdiivka”.
But according to ISW analysts, the success of a Russian ground operation in Kharkiv would be very low if American military aid arrived quickly. Meanwhile, while awaiting the final moves of Putin’s army, the Kharkiv TV tower was destroyed in a Russian raid.
#offensive #Kharkiv #Tempo
2024-04-25 07:44:08