Here are the most common signs of cancer

2024-01-30 16:30:12


Every day, around 1,000 people learn that they have cancer. Cancer is caused by the abnormal behavior of a cell. The Cancer Foundation has compiled a list of symptoms that can occur in the event of cancer.

According to the Pasteur Institute, every day, around 1,000 people are diagnosed with cancer. This disease is linked to the abnormal behavior of a cell. Certain symptoms or anomalies can alert you to the presence of a possible cancer, we take stock.

Symptoms which can be very diverse

As the Cancer Foundation explains, there are several signs that can occur with cancer. This is particularly the case:

difficulty swallowing; hoarseness or persistent cough, especially in smokers and former smokers; a chronic change in intestinal transit (constipation, diarrhea or an alternation of the two); urination problems, particularly in men; abnormal blood loss, outside of menstruation or following menopause; the presence of blood in urine, stools or sputum; the appearance of hematomas; swelling in an area of ​​the body; a wound in the mouth or on the skin that does not heal; weight loss, fatigue or persistent fever.

In case of symptoms, a medical consultation is necessary

Of course, these symptoms may be related to other health problems unrelated to cancer. Furthermore, before being considered worrying, they must last more than two weeks or repeat every day.

If you notice the presence of one or more of these signs, it is recommended to consult your doctor. He will prescribe additional tests to determine the origin of these symptoms”, advises the National Cancer Institute. However, it should be remembered that certain cancers are asymptomatic until the disease is well advanced and/or spread to other areas. other organs.

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