Here are the “lists” of PASOK leaders in Achaia – Who supports whom

PASOK officials in Achaia have taken “battle” positions, one after the other, big and small on the party scale, since time is running and the candidate leaders of the Movement are “pressingly” recording faces and situations, thus launching their course towards the internal party elections on October 6.

Now, the local scene is starting to clear up and everything shows that the groups of supporters of the leadership contenders in Harilaou Trikoupi have taken the lead, trying to influence as many voters as possible.

The intra-party climate in Achaia, everyone and regardless of which Group everyone belongs to, leads to a first conclusion: That the elections will be in the region a derby between Androulakis and Doukas for the first place and another one for the second place between Geroulanos, Katrinis , Diamantopoulou.

Today “Peloponnisos”, for the first time in the local press, presents in detail the anthropo-geography in Achaia, as it emerges from the Staffs of the candidate leaders of the PASOK Movement for Change.

K. Solomou (politician)
S. Michalopoulou (politician)
C. Humble (statesman)
G. Karvouniaris (politician)
G. Alexopoulos (mayor) and his entire municipal faction
B. Psychrami (Board of Aegialia)
S. Skiadaresis (deputy governor)
G. Fessian (counselor)
F. Adamopoulos (counselor)
N. Moiralis (prefectural clerk with half of its members)
G. Patriarch (physician)
N. Lyras (vice prefect)
G. Pappas (President of the Chamber of Commerce)
V. Fertakis (former Firefighter)
D. Kouninioti (village of Topiki Notiou Patras)
K. Tsekouras (secretary of N.Patras)
A. Evaggelatos (Member of P. Patras)
A. Markos (member of N. Patras)
G. Georgopoulos (village of Topiki Aegialia)
E. Karathanasopoulou (Locality of Aegialia)
P. Georgopoulos (former of the Labor Center of Aigio)
A. Karvounis (member of KE)
M. Vougioukalakis (Committee member)
Th. Petropoulos (member of KE)
G. Kouneli (member of Local West Achaia)
G. Barabatis (Erymanthos Locality)
M. Zaharopoulou (Erymanthos Locality)
N. Vassilopoulou (Erymanthos Locality)
G. Sakkas (deputy advisor)
N Marachoris (Skiada)
G. Gotsis (lawyer)
Ch. Papantonopoulos (Tsoukaleika)
A. Kanellopoulos (formerly of Sageiko)
N. Triantafyllopoulos (former Board of Directors of Patras)
A. Bayiorgos (associate teacher)
K. Christopoulos (associate teacher)
A. Zalavra (associate teacher)
The PASP of the University, which supports X. Doukas, is considered a big loss for N. Androulakis, in relation to the previous elections.

A. Fouras (former deputy minister-former mayor of Patras)
A. Katsifaras (former deputy minister-former regional governor)
D. Katsikopoulos (former deputy-former prefect)
D. Basta Georgakopoulou (former deputy-former regional governor)
Th. Papadopoulos (mayor of Kalavryton – former PED)
S. Mylonas (former mayor of West Achaia)
M. Skandamis (politician-t.g. of the Ministry of Justice)
G. Beskos (politician-president of Aigio Lawyers)
S. Trahanis (former president of SYDISA)
K. Palaiologos (former deputy mayor of DA)
G. Athanasopoulos (t. gr. NE PASOK Achaia)
V. Aivalis (deputy mayor of Patras)
V. Karahalios (chairman of TEE)
G. Dinos (deputy mayor of Aegialia)
P. Marinopoulos (former deputy mayor of Aegialia)
G. Angelopoulos (formerly Aegio Taxi)
Ch. Kanellis (representative of Achaia Hotels)
P. Satolias (head of Kalavryta Cooperative)
A. Gatzoias (Professor of Engineering – member of KE)
T. Papalexatou (Committee member)
Th. Giannadakis (former TEE-member NE with half the members of the organization)
A. Kelepouris (banking coordinator)
The name of V. Tsimblostephanakis, connected or not with the Office of pr. Prime Minister-MP of Achaia G. Papandreou.

O. Loi (politician)
D. Kanellopoulos (deputy mayor of Erymanthos with all his party)
D. Drivilas (deputy regional governor)
A. Floropoulos (Local President)
B. Vlachos (NE Achaia)
S. Geronikos (Rio)
N. Pagonis (Akrata)
G. Zografakis (Neolaia village)
G. Matzavas (deputy advisor)
X. Solomos (hospital)

K. Spiliopoulos (former Deputy Minister-MP)
Th. Karpis (former mayor of Farre)
M. Tsoukala (former chairman of the Board of Directors of Aegialia – doctor)
K. Harisiadis (former governor of Agios Andreas-physician)
D. Verras (deputy mayor)
G. Zafeiropoulos (former deputy mayor of Patras)
T. Andrikopoulos (former consultant-surgeon)
G. Kolliopoulos (deputy regional governor)
S. Koumbias (rector’s office)
G. Mamona (Professor PP)
S. Mouzakis (Professor PP)
A. Triantafillou (current member of the Committee)
G. Delis (conference)
M. Dimitropoulos (executive)
D. Komninos (deputy regional advisor)
S. Taxiarchopoulos (department of Engineers of Aegialia)
Ch. Solomos (representative of the Board of Directors of Patras)
A. Bachras (former KINAL executive)

D. Georgopoulos (member of South Patras)
M. Katrinis has heaps of party officials with him from Western Achaia and Erymanthos, due to the proximity to Ilia where he is a member of parliament.

The candidate for president, Nadia Giannakopoulou, does not register any famous supporters in Achaia in general.

Finally, it should be noted that, at the local government level, the mayors of Aegialia D. Kalogeropoulos and Erymanthou Th. Baris still remain unaffiliated.

#lists #PASOK #leaders #Achaia #supports



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