“Here are the hottest regions” –

Should we keep an umbrella handy or is it still time for swimsuits and flip-flops? The truce and the temperature collapse first. The return of high pressure and the temperature peaks then. There is no shortage of doubts and everyone is trying to understand if summer is really ending. Colonel Mario Giuliacci has tried to clarify the situation, who on meteogiuliacci.it has released the latest weather forecast. “After the respite of the first part of the week, with the new arrival of high pressure, temperatures have started to rise again and in the last few days the heat, the real one and accompanied by the annoyance of the sultry heat, has once again enveloped all of Italy”, the expert began.

When the change of scenery, the forecasts of Sottocorona

Over the weekend, the meteorologist recalled, temperatures will be “almost everywhere between 30 and 36 degrees, with peaks of 37-38 degrees in the inland areas of the Center and South”. Which will be the “hottest regions”? “Tuscany, Umbria, Lazio, Puglia, Basilicata and Sardinia will stand out”, Giuliacci assured. According to the most up-to-date maps, however, there is good news. “The weakening of high pressure, in the first part of next week, will favor a partial attenuation of the heat, with temperatures that will drop by 1-3 degrees, already on Monday 26 in the North, then between Tuesday 27 and Wednesday 28 also in many areas of the South”, the expert anticipated.

#hottest #regions #Tempo
2024-08-26 11:45:06



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