Here are the features of the new banknotes

The Central Bank of Venezuela, BCV, announced last Friday the incorporation of new banknotes from 200 and 500 bolivars to monetary cone current, this after the monetary reconversion of October 2021.

The initiative aims to simplify economic transactions in the country, facing the challenges of hyperinflation and currency devaluation in recent years.

The banknotes will be distributed gradually over the next few days, although no specific date has been given for their entry into circulation yet.

According to the BCV, the inclusion of the new banknotes is part of a sustained effort to update and modernize the country’s monetary system, offering more alternatives for everyday purchases and facilitating transactions for the population.

These are the cFeatures of the new banknotes

The 200 and 500 bolivar bills feature an image of the Trilogy of the Liberator Simón Bolívar on the obverse and, on the reverse, an image commemorating the Naval Battle of Lake Maracaibo.

The banknotes include a watermark with the image of Simón Bolívar, an electrotype with the text “BCV” and a red typographic print, visible under ultraviolet light.

They also feature 2mm-wide security threads, a design that moves in and out of the paper, and the text “BCV” that moves when the bill is tilted.

They are designed with an anti-scanning background, very fine lines that prevent digital printing, and multi-colored fibers dispersed throughout the paper.

This way, you will be able to recognize the new banknotes that will soon be in circulation in order to facilitate monetary transactions in the country.

This is what the 200-bolivar bills look like.
These are the characteristics of the 500 bolivar bill.

DolarToday in Venezuela: Price of the dollar this Tuesday, August 20, 2024

#features #banknotes
2024-08-23 21:48:18



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