Here are the best physical activities to burn the most calories

2023-05-15 13:30:07

Therefore, hard workouts that increase heart rate and use many muscle groups burn more calories. Which helps to lose more fat.

Some research suggests that high-intensity interval training (HIIT), which combines periods of intense activity with periods of less intense activity, burns more calories than traditional exercises, such as running.

Other exercises that increase your heart rate, such as jumping rope, running, and biking, can also burn calories.

Activities that burn the most calories

Although the number of calories a person uses varies depending on a variety of factors, including weight and fitness level, the following exercises may help burn the most calories:

1 Running

Running, especially at high intensity for an extended period of time, is one of the most intense exercises. It burns more calories than some other exercises.
On average, she can burn 364 calories in 30 minutes. Running faster, or alternating between sprinting and jogging, can further increase the number of calories a person burns.

2 Skipping rope

Jumping rope provides benefits similar to running, while cultivating balance and coordination. One can burn approximately 291 calories in 30 minutes of jumping rope. To avoid boredom, one can try changing speed and style by jumping on one foot or slowing down and speeding up throughout the workout. It may be helpful to try exercising to music.

3 Swimming

Swimming can be a high intensity activity. But it’s easier on the joints than activities like running and jumping rope. It may also be more comfortable for people who don’t like to be hot or sweaty.
You will burn about 218 calories for a 30 minute swim. To maximize calorie burn, one should swim quickly. Recreational swims burn far fewer calories.

4 Cycling

A leisurely walk down a flat driveway won’t burn many calories. But intense cycling, either on a stationary bike or going up hills outdoors, can strengthen your lower body and burn a lot of calories. A person who weighs 60 kg can burn 291 calories by cycling outdoors at a speed of 12 to 14 km/h for 30 minutes. One can increase the intensity of the routine by choosing a challenging bike path that includes hills.

5 High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

HIIT uses a combination of intense aerobic exercise and low intensity exercise or anaerobic exercise. It can therefore help a person burn more calories. Some research suggests that interval training continues to burn calories by maintaining a higher metabolism even after the workout ends.
HIIT also increases the body’s oxygen needs. Which causes it to burn more calories. It is possible to incorporate interval training into almost any exercise.

One can try the following in a HIIT workout:

– Do a typical workout, but incorporate short bursts of exercise at maximum capacity. For example, sprint for 30 to 60 seconds every 3 minutes while jogging.
– Add weight training to aerobic exercise. For example, take a one-minute break on the stationary bike to squat or lift weights every few minutes.
– Swim one lap of the pool as fast as you can, then swim back at a leisurely pace. Repeat the exercise 10 to 15 times.

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Factors that influence calorie burning

People burn calories at different rates. Several factors affect this rate, including:
– Weight: The more a person weighs, the more energy their body needs. Therefore, she burns more calories than someone with a lower weight would by following the same routine.
– Exercise intensity: The more intense an activity, the more calories it burns. The most strenuous activities elevate a person’s heart rate to the point that it becomes difficult, if not impossible, for them to speak.
– Exercise duration: Longer programs burn more calories. A 30-second sprint may be more intense, but it will burn fewer calories than a 30-minute sustained workout of a lower intensity.
– Muscle mass: Muscle needs more energy than fat to maintain itself and therefore burns more calories. Because of this, when a person builds more muscle, they burn more calories, even at rest.

Find an activity that we like to be sure to do it

Some workouts clearly burn more calories than others, so the workout that burns the most calories isn’t always the best choice.
To get the most out of an exercise program, you need to find something you enjoy doing and can sustain for 20-30 minutes over several weeks and months.

It’s also important to start with training that’s suited to the person’s abilities and injury history. For example, a person with knee problems may not be able to run. A person who has never exercised may have to stick to intense routines.

* Presse Santé strives to transmit health knowledge in a language accessible to all. In NO CASE, the information given can not replace the opinion of a health professional.

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