here are the 2 most hypocritical signs of the zodiac

In this world, one thing is certain, there are honest people and people who are less so. We all have a friend we suspect to be hypocrite… But if this friend, in reality, it was you?

Hypocrisy is faking an emotion or reaction that you don’t really feel in order to make the other believe what we would like them to believe is happening to you in front of them. It is a pure and flamboyant manipulation! So much so that we have all been hypocrites once in life, sometimes even with good intentions, this attitude is despicable, because it hides the truth from the person opposite, who is fooled by the situation.

Astro: can astrology explain hypocrisy in a person?

Astrology states that this attitude is the cause of a lack of loyalty and righteousness. The person would like to conceal their true feelings to have more chances and opportunities for a premeditated reason.

The air element, which is the most fickle and changeable of all, can give the natives in whom it predominates an unfortunate tendency to hypocrisy. Their morale is sometimes variable and their tendency to change their minds makes them difficult to believe. Their great intelligence and mastery of the intellect makes them clever tricksters.

Which signs are the most hypocritical and least trustworthy of the zodiac?

They are two and they know very well how to disguise their true feelings to others!


Gemini is a clever and cunning prankster. The natives of this sign often have two faces. This comes from the inherent and inevitable duality. They know very well how to use their ability to communicate, which makes them able to convince with great ease of their words, even the most false! Their ruling planet has this deceitful side, and people of this sign are often influenced by this questionable character trait. Watch out, because while these friendly natives can be great company, they always have an ulterior motive. The Gemini love gossip, avoid venting in front of them!


Here we have an example of hypocrisy for the sake of pleasing. This sign needs harmony and rounding off corners consistently. You imagine that if the truth can sometimes be ugly and embarrassing, they will avoid it at all costs. They will try to hide their feelings to make you think everything is fine, but beware, often it’s not! They may also feign sympathy for someone to avoid conflict. Venus, their ruling planet is always in search of balance, and this leads them to avoid unpleasant situations. Not really pretty!

Avoid pretense…

Hypocrisy is far from being a virtue, because it disguises truths and creates false and fragile links. The truth will always win in the end. Stay on the path of integrity and you will be more happy !

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