Herbs that help relieve headaches and migraines naturally

Headaches, also known as headaches, are one of the most common disorders in the world. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), nearly 50% of the Earth’s population has had a headache.

This pathology affects individuals of all ages and there is no distinction of race, gender or geographical area that shows that it happens more in a specific group than in another. Thus, the causes, in most cases, stem from an agitated style.

However, “headache is not only painful, it is also disabling,” according to the WHO. Normally, it starts at the back of the head and spreads forward. This pain should last a few minutes to be considered natural.

If, on the other hand, the pain occurs almost every day, it feels very intense and there are palpitations or pulsations, it may be due to a chronic headache, also known as a migraine. These tend to be hereditary.

According to the US National Institutes of Health, “certain smells, noises, or bright flashing lights can trigger a migraine. Other triggers are lack of sleep, certain foods, skipping meals, smoking, stress, or even an approaching storm.”

In both cases (mild or chronic), the treatment prescribed by the doctor usually relieves the headache. Also, It is possible to resort to a variety of medicinal plants that substantially relieve this condition.

In fact, the specialized magazine UnComopublished through the portal Mundodeportivolisted some of these that, thanks to their components, can help reduce headaches.


chamomile It is one of the most used medicinal plants for its multiple properties., among these its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial characteristics. In addition to being a great digestive, it provides anti-allergy and sedative benefits.

One of the suggested preparations to relieve a headache has as ingredients: a tablespoon and a half of chamomile, the juice of a lemon and a cup of water.


1. Pour the water and chamomile into a pot.

2. Heat over low heat for five minutes.

3. Remove and let rest.

4. Add the lemon when serving.

5. It is recommended to drink this preparation warm.


Mint is one of the most used plants in gastronomy and It is one of the most widely used traditional herbs in naturopathic medicine.

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The consumption of mint tea is recommended for the treatment of headaches and migraines, since it has anesthetic properties, which can help reduce pain. In addition, mint tea can reduce the nervous and muscular tension that influences this type of pain.


Lavender is a plant with multiple uses, it is even used to eliminate insects or to soothe the skin after sunbathing. Nevertheless, Its greatest property is that it helps to relax the nervous system.

An infusion of lavender is just what is needed if you suffer from anxiety and stress. It can also be used as an essential oil, just rub a little on the area of ​​the temples and the neck, and this will help the person feel a little better.


The willow is a tree that It has a bark that contains salicin, “a substance that gives it analgesic properties, acting in a very similar way to aspirin, but in a completely natural way”, reviews UnComo.

It is possible to consume as an infusion. To prepare it, boil 200 milliliters of water with two grams of willow bark inside. After ten minutes, strain the drink and wait for it to cool down a bit before consuming it.

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