Heraldo Muñoz: “I am a firm supporter of forming a single force of the democratic left” | bbcl_investigates

“I am a firm supporter of forming a single force of the democratic left,” says Muñoz, who avoids falling into the debate regarding “a single government coalition.”

This, regarding the sayings of Jose Miguel Insulzawho had buried the idea of the creation of a single governing coalition following Minister Giorgio Jackson stated: “Our scale of values ​​and principles is far from the generation that preceded us.”

Although the former foreign minister -one of the iconic names of the Coalition- assured that he did not feel alluded to by those statements, he admitted that the statement had been “unfortunate”. For his part, Muñoz, an outspoken defender of the option of I approvedetails those elements of the proposed new Constitution that, in his opinion, should be corrected.

Jackson’s controversial sayings

-Minister Giorgio Jackson marked distances with previous governments, indicating that “Our scale of values ​​and principles around politics is not only far from the previous government, but I think that compared to a generation that preceded us.” Do you feel referred?

I do not feel alluded to by Minister Jackson’s statements if what he suggested is that his scale of values ​​is higher than that of my generation. I am part of a generation that fought once morest the dictatorship, for democracy, and suffered repression. My consistent ethical commitment is not in question. In any case, the minister’s statement was unfortunate and he has already apologized.

-José Miguel Insulza buried the idea of ​​creating a single government coalition following Jackson’s statements. “We already know what they think of us,” he said regarding his relationship with Approve Dignidad. Does this mark a definitive break between I Approve Dignity and Democratic Socialism?

Regarding what José Miguel Insulza expressed, I do not believe in the idea of ​​creating a single government coalition. I have been and am a firm supporter of forming a single force of the democratic left and not falling into ramblings of a single government coalition. I do not think this is feasible, I insist: I am in favor of moving towards a coherent force or movement of democratic socialism, at least a federation of parties open to independents.

-Gabriel Boric himself, and his coalition, criticized for years what was done by the Concertación. Is this a “backpack” that they must carry, considering that they are now in government and need the support of those who were part of the Coalition?

President Boric needs broad support for his government, especially from those of us who make up the Coalition. He does not need complaints or criticism of the common sense of granting governability.

Minister Grau and inflation

-Minister Nicolás Grau affirmed that unlike people (end consumers), inflation “brings costs and benefits” for SMEs, which caused various criticisms. Even Minister Mario Marcel came out to explain that “inflation is not good for anyone.” Was it an own goal what happened with Minister Grau?

Minister Grau has made another unfortunate statementthere are too many ministerial own goals. As a famous soccer coach said: silence stamps, at least until September.

Approves but recognizes details to improve

-You said that you will vote I Approve, although admitting that the constitutional text is not perfect. “It’s far from that,” she maintained. What points do you think should be improved in the text?

In my party we have pointed out in detail what should be improved or reformed in the constitutional text, which includes at least the following: a more open mechanism of reforms to the constitution, the non-immediate re-election of the President of the Republic, eliminating the initiative in matters involving budgetary cost, define the criteria of an electoral system that ensures governability, restore the name of the Senate and reform some of its powers to ensure a good balance of powers in a presidential regime. Replace the concept of the Judiciary and review the composition of the Council of Justice with a clear majority of judges. Replace the emergency constitutional state of exception, specifically mention the Carabineros and the Investigative Police in the constitutional text, strengthen citizen participation through the mechanisms that we propose, extend the right of intellectual property to industrial property, recognize in matters of relations that the exercise of sovereignty and the principle of non-intervention must be limited by respect for human rights and international treaties ratified by Chile and in force, and clarify the issue of indigenous consent as established in the rules of Convention 169 of the ILO.

Those are some of the elements and now we hope to agree with the rest of the parties on a proposal to approve and improve.

-What do you think might happen if you win the Rejection? Do you have hope that the constitutional process will be maintained?

If the Rejection wins, I hope that the constituent process will be maintained towards a new Constitution that the country voted for in the initial Plebiscite, and that the right -in that scenario- will not change its mind.

Situation of Sebastian Depolo

-You were minister and undersecretary of foreign affairs. What reading do you make of the confirmation -which has not yet arrived- from the Brazilian government on the appointment of Sebastián Depolo as ambassador? Should Boric back off and change the designation?

Regarding the appointment of Sebastián Depolo as ambassador to Brazil, I am in favor of waiting until the presidential election in October. The problem is not Depolo but Bolsonaro and his unfriendly attitude towards the government of President Boric. But the matter must be resolved diplomatically and formally. The sooner the better, but the reality is that it won’t be possible before October.

Crisis between the US and China

-With a long career linked to the Foreign Ministry, I imagine that you have followed events abroad attentively. What consequences might Nancy Pelosi’s lightning visit to Taipei have?

We have already seen some repercussions from Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan in terms of China’s military exercises. Undoubtedly, the tension between the United States and China will continue on an upward curve, although fortunately the leaders of both powers talk and thus can reduce and control tensions.

-How important is it for the Boric administration to have been part of the investiture of Gustavo Petro as president of Colombia? The Chilean president was one of the most applauded by the public present.

President Boric’s trip to Colombia was not a mere protocol act, but it is the opportunity to start a new stage between the relations between Chile and Colombia. Chile can continue to play a facilitating role in the peace process, this time between the Colombian government and the ELN (National Liberation Army).

Both heads of state can lay the foundations for a new, democratic left, respectful of human rights and with a sense of country, with a view to advancing on the common issues of the 21st century: economic and social inequality, sustainable growth, the environment, diversity, transnational crime and migrations. This is why this is an important opportunity that opens up for both countries.

-From Argentina they affirm that five flights from Chile irregularly crossed into trans-Andean airspace between July 27 and 28. At first, the Chilean Foreign Ministry published some tweets in which they indicated that they would work to clarify the facts, publications that were later deleted. Do you think there was a procedural error by the Foreign Ministry?

This matter with Argentina must be dealt with in a reserved manner between the governments. The important thing is not to escalate these types of issues on the agenda and duly clarify them when appropriate.

The relationship between Chile and Argentina is so vast that there will always be issues that can lend themselves to information of this nature. What is relevant is that in this case, the FACH, the Minister of Defense and the Minister of RR.EE. They have reported that on those dates there were no civil or military planes that have flown over Argentine airspace, and therefore we must remain with that information, and we must safeguard the strategic nature of the relationship between Chile and Argentina.

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