Heraklion: In intensive care intubated 16-year-old girl – 2024-08-06 10:14:01

A 16-year-old girl who was seriously injured in a traffic accident on Friday night, in the Pateles area of ​​Heraklion, is being intubated in the PAGNI Children’s Intensive Care Unit.

According to what the commander of PAGNI Giorgos Chalkiadakis reported to ERT, the girl’s condition is critical, but stable. According to information, the girl has injuries on her head, however, she has not been injured in other parts of her body.

The 16-year-old girl was injured when the bicycle she was riding and driven by a 17-year-old fell into a parked vehicle. The 17-year-old was also slightly injured.

The two injured minors were taken to Venizelio, from where it was deemed appropriate, due to the head injuries, to transport and hospitalize the 16-year-old in PAGNI.

Source: ertnews

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