Her job: conservator-restorer – RJB your regional radio

Dive into the world of the arts this Wednesday as part of our discovery of particular trades. Morning met Ella Burri, a young conservator-restorer from Tramelan. In her daily life, she is responsible for bringing old and degraded objects back to life. It was in a Tramelot workshop that we found her, then hard at work on a barrier that will be enthroned in front of the town hall. She details her daily life while applying fine gold leaf to the work.

Thoroughness is one of the qualities required to be a conservator-restorer. Having an interest in art history is also necessary, says Ella Burri as she profiles these professionals.

As for whether scratching the barrier to recover the gold may be possible, Ella Burri is categorical: it would be useless as the layer is extremely thin.

Next week in Morning, we invite you to discover the daily life of a centralist of the Bernese cantonal police. See you Wednesday at 7:15 a.m. /amo

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