Henrik Havas became the president of György Gattyán’s media group

April 16, 2024 – 09:05

Henrik Havas became the president of the Frisshírek Media Group, behind the group is businessman György Gattyán, owner of Docler, former president of the Mesolvás Mozgalom, Blikk writes. The person responsible for publishing Frisshirek.hu is Viktor Huszár, the president and news director of Megoldás Mozgalom is Tamás Nemes, the communications manager and editor-in-chief of Docler Holding is Péter Tarr.

“Our goal is to create opportunities for investigative, fact-finding journalism. I also achieved my first successes in this field. It’s a difficult genre, which is why we’re looking for prepared, committed journalists, and we’re trying to create the professional, technical, and financial conditions for their work,” Havas told the paper about his new job.

The former founding president of the Solution Movement, Görgy Gattyán, resigned from the party leadership in September 2022, and Viktor Huszár was elected as the new president. Last June, the party published its annual financial report, which revealed that Gattyán supported the party with 912.5 million forints, and the party received 715.8 million forints from the central budget.

In our previous article, we also looked at the incomes of the parliamentary parties, which shows that only Fidesz managed more money than Gattyán’s party. The Solution Movement achieved 1.04 percent in the 2022 election, with a total of 58,929 votes. With this, they did not enter the parliament, but they became eligible for state support in the cycle between 2022 and 2026. We wrote more about the plans of the Solution Movement here.

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