Hennlich employees trained for emergencies | News.at

2023-08-13 22:04:00

SANKT MARIENKIRCHEN/SCHÄRDING. The Hennlich family business from St. Marienkirchen near Schärding recently held a joint action day on the subject of safety and first aid together with the local emergency organizations. The program comprised several parts and served to refresh knowledge, network and promote voluntary commitment.

Among other things, an alarm and an evacuation were simulated. The aim was to have procedures and correct behavior ready in emergency situations. The employees at various stations were then given practical tips by the St. Marienkirchen volunteer fire brigade and the Red Cross. At the Red Cross, resuscitation, the application of pressure bandages and the treatment of burns were trained. The fire brigade provided an introduction to the use of hand-held extinguishers and conducted a liquid fire extinguishing drill.

However, the highlight of the action day was the rescue operation exercise. Volunteer extras, interested employees and members of the emergency services simulated a scenario in which a fire in the stairwell was assumed. In this way, what was initially learned could be immediately put into practice.


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