Hemocenter of the Colombian Eastern Center invites to participate in the campaign … – Boyacá 95.6 fm

Hemocenter of the Colombian Eastern Center invites to participate in the campaign … – Boyacá 95.6 fm

In order to encourage blood donation in the department of Boyacá, the Hemocenter of the Central East of Colombia has been carrying out the campaign called “Become a blood donor hero”, which consists of promoting the praiseworthy work of donating blood in the Boyacá community.

Cristina Pineda, a bacteriologist and quality coordinator at the Hemocentro, highlighted the importance of blood donation and the benefits it brings, and stated that donations can save 3 lives. With this premise, the hemocentro organized a donation day in several municipalities of Boyac, “the invitation is for all residents to come to all the points available so they can donate blood. On Wednesday, September 25, we will be in the municipality of Nuevo Colón from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the main park, on Thursday, September 26, in Tunja at the UPTC at the same time, and on Friday at the Medilaser clinic in Tunja from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

According to the bacteriologist, the benefits of donating blood are: Renewing blood cells, improving oxygenation of the body, reducing arterial blockage, and preventing cardiovascular accidents.

Among the blood types in greatest demand and most urgently needed are types O+ and O-.

Written by: Dario Camargo

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