Help your heart! Timothee Chalamet took Kylie home for a date, but “Sweet Tea” has always liked sexy women

Last week, there was a news that you would be scared to drop rice grains following eating half of your meal. It flew over from the colorful Hollywood.That is Timothee Chalamet, the beloved literary and artistic little god “Sweet Tea”, who was found to be in a relationship with Kylie Jenner, and the hearts of fans were bombed.

But hold your little heart now, because Kylie was photographed going to the man’s house this time, are they playing video games at home? Or talk regarding your favorite movies. After the photos were exposed, they immediately sparked discussions.

Photo via:economictimes

Kylie Jenner was photographed visiting Timothee’s house

The love affair between the two is quietly going on

from Daily mail According to reports, just yesterday, Kylie Jenner’s Range Rover luxury SUV was spotted arriving at Timothee Chalamet’s home in Beverly Hills. In the photo, Kylie can be seen driving on the winding driveway and then driving into the man’s home. This mansion was bought by Timothee for $11 million last year. It is an hour’s drive from where Kylie lives, but in LA, an hour’s drive is not too far.

The outside world will be so surprised because one is a member of the controversial The Kardashians family, and the other is the most popular and prestigious literary actor who is loved by female fans. They have very different images and will get together. Even when it comes to love, it’s really like soy milk meets tequila, which goes once morest the imagination.

However, it feels right to see the right eye! Their relationship started when they met at Paris Fashion Week in January. At that time, there was a video of a pleasant conversation. “Sweet Tea” watched Kylie smile happily.

Timothee Chalamet’s Favorite “Woman”

In fact, it has similar characteristics

Looking back on the love history of “Sweet Tea” can be said to be quite exciting. His facial features are exquisite. Because of his facial features like a Greek statue, he is full of femininity and aristocratic temperament, which is completely different from the “tall and strong man” advocated by today’s male stars. So women also have a preference for him, who can resist the lovely “sweet tea”!

At first, he thought that the women he likes would be people with the same type of appearance as him, who are dignified, sweet, elegant and well-behaved, but following looking all the way, he prefers women with sexy and gorgeous personalities.

In addition to studying, his girlfriend was Modanna’s daughter Lourdes Leon, and he had been in love with Lily-Rose Depp for two years, and had a brief date with Steve Jobs’ daughter. In the summer of 2020, he was photographed with Mexican actress Eiza González in the swimming pool kiss.

Looking back at the women he has dated and interacted with, they all have the same characteristics, that is, sexy, hot, seductive, and very personal. Although Kylie Jenner is not a celebrity that everyone loves, she does It also has the characteristics of capturing the hearts of “sweet tea”.

Photo all:kyliejenner

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>>> Gossip that drove the internet crazy: Kylie Jenner and Timothée Chalamet are rumored to be dating

>>> The “she” who made Timothee fall in love with the passionate kiss by the pool is actually no stranger

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