Hellblade 2: the motion capture of the giant presented by Ninja Theory | Xbox One

Ninja Theory regularly shares behind-the-scenes images or videos from the development of Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2and this is again the case today with motion capture of the big giant seen in the latest gameplay demo Game.

A giant played by the character art director

It is the artistic director of the characters who got wet for the occasion since the developers specify that he wanted to obtain the exact rendering he had in mind. We discover him crawling on the ground with several other members of the team who prick him with sticks, thus simulating the arrows that the giant receives in the gameplay phase seen during the Game Awards last December.

As a reminder, this impressive sequence was well gameplay played by a developer and we are now waiting for new information on the game since since its announcement in 2019, no release date has yet been mentioned. Perhaps on the occasion of the Xbox and Bethesda conference in two weeks ?

Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 will be available exclusively on Xbox Series X|S and PC via Steam and the Microsoft Store. The game will be released on the day of its release in the Xbox Game Pass.

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