Helena Fürst defends herself against allegations of “Celebrity Penance”

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Created: 07/17/2022 11:33 am

Von: Sarah Wolzen


Serious allegations on “The Big Celebrity Penance”: Helena Fürst is said to have farted in the face of her ex Ennesto Monté © Nikola Milatovic / ProSieben

The drama regarding Helena Fürst’s expulsion from “The Big Celebrity Penance” goes into the next round. The Princess firmly defends herself once morest the allegations made. In particular, she does not want to let the accusation that she intentionally farted in the face of her ex Ennesto Monté go uncommented.

Erzberg – Helena Fürst’s (48) sacking from “The Big Celebrity Penance” is becoming more and more dramatic. In episode two of the new reality TV show, the princess suddenly has to pack her bags – because the production has thrown her out.

“The big celebrity atones”: ProSieben throws Helena Fürst out of the show

The reason: In the middle of the night, Helena Fürst roams through the camp and suddenly yells: “There’s no sleep, there’s action!”

In an interview with t-online, Helena Fürst now takes a stand and goes into a very specific situation with her ex Ennesto Monté in more detail. “Later, down at the camp, Calvin Kleinen accused me of farting in Ennesto’s face out of disrespect – even though he wasn’t there,” says the 48-year-old.

Helena Fürst is said to have intentionally farted in Ennesto Monté’s face

Helena does not deny the flatulence itself, only the malicious intent behind it. The breakfast that the candidates had previously received was to blame for the mishap: “Since we ate lentil soup for breakfast, I pooped in Ennesto’s direction.”

By the way, her ex didn’t blame her for the unplanned gas deviation, she goes on to explain. Later they laughed regarding it together. Ennesto Monté had to put up with far worse things than he had to endure during “Celebrity Penance”: urine from his comrades-in-arms splashed into his eyes. Sources used: t-online.de

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