HEL.AS.: Requests until 25/8 for 300 special guards

They perform duties of guarding vulnerable targets and patrols. They are also available for the staffing of special police services, the formation of special units and transitional detachments to deal with particular forms of crime, as well as the search for persecuted or disappeared persons. The deadline for submitting applications and supporting documents ends on August 25, 2024.

Qualifications of candidates

Greek citizens (men and women) who have the following qualifications and conditions are eligible to participate in the competition: They are graduates of a Lyceum or another equivalent school at home or abroad.

They do not exceed 28 years of age. For the calculation of the age of the candidates, the date of birth is considered to be 31st December of the year of their birth.

That is, those born from 01-01-1996 and later. They are in good health and physically fit as determined by the appropriate Health Classification Committee, in accordance with the provisions in force on the physical fitness of candidates for land army schools (weapons direction).

They do not have a tattoo on their body, which a) is outwardly visible with the clothing (summer and winter uniform) and furthermore b) the related images, in terms of their content, either negate the neutrality of the employees imposed by the Constitution of the State or cause in a way that is inconsistent with their capacity and duties.

They have physical, mental and intellectual qualifications responding to the requirements of police work. They have a height of at least one meter and seventy centimeters (1.70 m) for men and at least one meter and sixty three centimeters (1.63 m) for women, both without shoes. The men have fulfilled their military obligations at the time of submitting the application to participate in the competition. Candidates who have been legally exempted from them are not accepted. They have not been finally sentenced.

The recruitment criteria and scores

The recruitment of Special Guards is based on the following objective criteria: 1. The general grade of High School Leaving Certificate or TEE Degree (2nd cycle) or EPAL. In category B (20%) the score of the TEE degree (2nd cycle) or the EPAL degree is taken into account as a basis for calculation.

2. The level of knowledge of a foreign language.

3. Possession of a public SAEK qualification “Security Officer and Infrastructure” or “Security Services Officer”. Private SAEK diplomas, even if they are classified as equivalent, are not taken into account.

4. The fulfillment of their military obligations until their dismissal as reserve officers or in special forces or in the Presidential Guard or the completion of the initially undertaken mandatory term as an EPY or as an EPOP in the Armed Forces, as long as the corresponding specialty has not been removed from them.

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#HEL.AS #Requests #special #guards



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